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King’s Possession

King’s Possession

Author: Midika

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

Word Count: 2180    |    Released on: 23/02/2021


ouched terms when spoken past my lips. I've never left this village, let alone this Province. I'm leaving for the exact reasons my parents assi

in the shape of an eye. It was a silent reminder of the role I need to play, that no one ever expressly demands, but

ements that remind me how little I look like my mother. I got my father's foregin looks over her traditional Jad

ar away with my thumb. A few months. I can handle a few mont

or predators, depending on your belief. Here, in the Village of Celeste, we believe in a partic

own up?" she breathes, smiling delicately. Her fingers touch

al Province, being a maid. It will sustain me long enough before I can return. Hopefully in that time, these nerves will diminish. I know

through a loosened breath, motioning to the awaiting carri

t looks as though she might tell me to stay. But like every

he promises, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. My eyes squeeze shut, my desper

use I lost a lot of knowledge of many years ago. When something exists for that long, it loses all

life here, my friends, my family, to cross the provincial border into another, where the


arriage, looking outside the window, which is coated in a vinette of fog. Past it, a faceless flurry of snow, whipping tauntingly

I lean back. Soon enough, lights bleed through the fabric, announcing our arrival into my new home, in a small town set below the mountain

careful of the slick steps before my feet fal

ross the town, layering everything from the horizon, to atop the mountains in a glittering set of stars. The inn is magnificent, too. Not too large, made of wooden pillars and stained glass windows engraved with snowfl

he ability to replicate any of their victims

powers, instead choosing to withhold them despite its undesirable effects.

hind where firewood is clearly cut. Eyeing the silver glint of the axe lodged in a stump of wood, I tuck my coat

lly into the warm grasp of a dark hallway. It takes me a few blind

s pass me by with each step, as I make my way to where it appears the hallway twists in another direction. And

eyes wide, skin pale. They both yelp at the sight of me, before their

e speaking to me has dark hair that's loose and wild around her shoulders, but does little to conceal prominent

her nose are so jarringly sharp, i

t isn't too thick so they won't understand me. The girls accent is pretty, feminine and light, the faintest unin

ce such fear in them? Fran's face is stark white, painted in relief with skeptical highlights. Her knees are still hiked up to her chest, covered in loose brow

re they already know. "Yes, we work here, as maids too. The manager is out right now, so it's just the staf

th of them. She motions for me to follow her, my small bag slu

quickly informs me they belong to the two of them, with the other occupied to the cook, who is also out.

lace makes me more anxious than I would like to admit. With Summoners walk

ch other, a spark of concern shared between them. Without a word, they kneel on their beds. I join them upon my o

n's features, casting her already sallow f

. We are one of the only inn's here, so he is bound to reside here," Jessa explains. Her voice may s

re are plenty of them," I say. It's the most common way of sourcing food in a frost cov

rious to hear what gossip is being passed around. From only knowing Jessa and Fran briefly, I can already conclude that they don't

e really knows why. He's a Summoner too, but doesn't use his powers, which is even

so many weapons, so much power and an unknown motive," Fran

ether in a tight line. It makes me shiver, a cold that doesn't belong to air outside creeping under my skin. I've nev

s, leaning backward on her elbows. Something tells me she's saying that to keep herself calm. With the shutters banging against

e might be here any day now," Fran reminds her. I'm lost. Is he real or not? By the way they described him, I'm no

s, we should close our eyes and dream peacefully knowing it's

onversation is over. Fran stares at her friend, a vacant look in her e

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