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Mafia Queen

Chapter 5 Episode 5

Word Count: 844    |    Released on: 28/02/2021


[She's wan

alling for her



ng you to ask a lot of questions" I half

" he said b

t me" he added pouting

n the door and I wo

asked my voice

heard her tiny vo

aid and sat down p

ed her head while I waved at her to leave and

ill have to go" I

unds already" Mike sai

om seeing the doctor" I said

s saying and I cu

?" I said to him and he didn't r

your lips shut" I said in a

e doctor greeted

are you?" I asked wi

aid returni

any other person to be treated?"

rly dressed?' I asked pointing on my shoulder

" he said comi

did a good job he complimented?"

contact any disease, or fall sick" I

n assurance" and I could feel Mike smi

an take your leave" mike

the doctor wave" and l

this place, it my secret hideout

ing with smiles and I

s kept and I could couldn't help but smile a

said clasping my hands toge

r hospitality?" I asked s

n anger looking at me

d" I said gigglin

d at your smartness" I

got me but" I paused loo

y finger negativity at hi

the only Mafia Queen" I said

he felt the effect of t

ob at outsmarting me" I ad

ace, I still squat to his position as

s cleaned my face with an handke

r said again and this inc

and the pocket knive

how weak" I am today

to see. He stares at the box in shocked as he lo

un" I said and giggled while h

me game boys?" I asked the

e would like to play I said st

d and clasped my hands toge

e knives get into your body"

" he said vis

y boys" I yelled

said gesturing to the box o


think of t

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