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Author: Honesty577

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1929    |    Released on: 01/03/2021


le sitting outside of my office. I looked over to the reception desk t

n spotting her near the file


eplied smiling as I

ring to the people outside as she moved

ch," she said and I smiled, my gaze following her as she moved a

u doing?" I

d onto the stool in fear of her falling, it hadn't been a secret that I was

om my professional but with Cassidy, those lines seemed

lowing her to step down, she turned facing

you ne

," she replied and

istant and stop using mine," I m

laining," she

ring," I said and she smile


brother Dylan, I looked up at my screen as I continued to type. My mind

and I looked up meeting her

, you coming

ve never truly been one to hide my feelings but the fea

ted," she said smiling loo

he moved closer to my desk grabbing my glass finishing

g out her hand and I took

out and she laughed pulling me o

lifetime," she said as we stepped in, I looked down at her

and she leaned into me a

usual scene, I didn't really like noise and my introverted self pref

I replied and she smiled pulling away from

id our goodbyes to the security guard Jeff. We walked down the str

e me, making small comments about how much of a good

I nodded walking in, leading us to my private area ups

with. Cassidy pulled us to a seat and I sat down beside her pushing my black shoulder-length hair

e smiled taking the empty glass as I enjoyed the burning sensation. She turned engaging in

air as I squeezed her hand gently leaning back getting comfortable, knowing

the longing I've grown used to p

you o

m fine wh

I laughed glancing down at the party below us before my gaze land

He asked Cassidy and she

fter hearing his name, I was really bad with names and that was something C

" he pushed and I could feel

told him and he l

as j

," I said and he did so as

e hated saying no, I became the person to say it f

her as she led me to my office in the back where I saw a cake, I smiled

greatest penmanship," she

iful," I lied and


knowing she wasn't good at ba

good, I've gotten better

ointed looking at the crappy writing and she laughed slightly cutting i

h taking it in, my lips brushing against her fingers

's good,

u," she said trying

nd she rolled her eyes playfully. She handed m

she said a

glasses touched, she quickly downed her glass

f with everyone around," she said sitting on the desk facing me and I

nk y

asked and sh

ng me into a hug, my hands securing themselves around her waist as I stood between her

ven though I wanted to hear those three words, I knew she didn't love me the same way I

lightly and my gaze followed the small action before returning to


, but she didn't her eyes staying with mine. She swayed into me slightly and I closed the


hands tightened on my waist pulling me closer to her body, the feeling of her lips against mine be

million years that she would'v

response as her hands slipped under my

into the kiss and she pulled awa

iled leaning in once more to kiss her but it was cut short as a knock sounde

ged needin


, frustration, and irritation building in me a

ant?" I asked

iend/business partner?" He aske

greeted and I he

and have fun," he said before walking away, I closed t

is entire time," I said mor

nd you didn't feel the same, cause I d

," I confessed steppin

I've never been with a girl befor

biting her bottom lip,

and her eyes went wide, I stood there

rs," I said laughing and she joined in

lied wrapping her h

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