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Kidnapped By Rogue

Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 658    |    Released on: 09/03/2021

uced a key from his pocket and undid my wrists, but left my feet

ied hastily. I looked at

he money had to come from!" I screamed, punc

he stood up, glaring at me, "You will watch your mouth when speaking to me, do you understand?" I sa

p on my hair, "Let go." He pulled my head back so

n released me. He walked to th

used my hands to pull at the chains. After about five minutes of pu

"What'd you do to the bed? Rouge won't like that.

vous feeling in the pit of my stomach. Kin

at blended in with the wall, Riz got out a

ore leaving and relocking the door. I stood there awkwardly for about twel

she said pointing to the girl beside her, who gave me a small wa

there for a moment until I broke the unbe

Because we kinda don't have a

almost a month, and Kenzie has been here about two weeks?" Kenzie nodd

e y'all?" I

, but she's older,"

o." I repl

. My face turned pink and I mumbled sorry. Sarah went and

e growled

" she announce

r point?"

oice wasn't as strong as Sarah's was when talking to him. Y

" Sarah asked causally. My

an item," I harshly rep

pay the exact amount they want, then you will 'belong' to one. I'm with Ace, and she's with Riz. Trust me

pid. We aren't

Blakely. But t

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