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The CEO's Run Away Wife


Word Count: 895    |    Released on: 11/03/2021

o to see Sara," she said,

acob asked, and Lisa moved her face away from him. She was not ready to open her mouth. Jacob saw she did not believe hi

hing,” Jacob said and pla

he asked, and loo

t night,” Jacob said. Lisa saw it was a photo of her letter. She rea

take me to her.” She he

back. She is with Daniel,” Jacob told and Lisa wa

nd softly. She saw he was treating her like a princess. Suddenly her b

” she said, and started

you do not know me?” Jacob asked her

he repli

distance between them and making her heart beat uncontr

ed in his deep voice, an

u mysterious. You are not what you show the others. You even call Danie

and Jackson are only three months older than me. They are like my real brothers. We will die for each other but no one knows our relationship, as Daniel had some issue with his own father. I always call him sir in front of everyone and act as his secretary. I have my own business in the other coun

because you want to know about Sara’

t me to someone who has seen that my smile is not real. I am not what I show. You are the one who wanted to see the real me. Only

someone?” she asked In panic a

it somewhere else?” He said while getting

ile walking away fro

d as he followed her. He saw she turn

urned right he saw some people had

aid and was about to

ne of them said, and Jacob saw they were really going to k

acob said and looked at Lisa. He tried to comfor

led at her and gave them his gun. Lisa became irritated at his fake smile. He could protect hims

e shouted at him and

still smiling as though

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