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Creature's of the night Boxed set: Book 1 Mated

Chapter 3 Who says you can't go back home...

Word Count: 1156    |    Released on: 14/03/2021




ince that day. The day the last family member she had was taken away from her by a monster. She spent these 8yrs training becom

at hid behind her brother after losing her parents. No she never had to hide behind any one again. She ha

iller down. It was funny thought most people thought her and Sam were twins they were so much alike. They did look a lot alike. Sam gre

rother role for me. He was the only person on this earth I knew would always have my back. Now here we were heading to the one place I haven't been back to in 8y


d if she did that her wolf would take over and there would be no more Serenity. She was so fragile, but no one but me ever got to see that si

ver hurt her yet here I am lying to her. She thinks I'm here to help her track the man that killed her

yed and hate me forever, but I have to do this so that in the long run I can prot


e was some bad ass but deep down he was such a softy. A sexy softy at that, but I would

the anger rise in me and every day I could feel more and more of me being taken over by my wolf. I


e back to give me the justice she felt I deserved. What I didn't expect wa

he did she wouldn't be here searching for the man that killed me. Soon very soon she w


owing the truth. She isn't as fragile as she once was. Yes she can handle anything now. It is time I tell her exactly what happened. Tell her why her brother came after me, and why he


time, but being back here is bringing all that pain back. I just wish I could take all her

her I felt this connection. I knew she wasn't my mate it wasn't a connection like that it felt more like she was my family. I thought maybe she was, but we were separated wh


to wake up that everything's okay. I


hought those drea

so di

re is being around her old pack knowing that they want justice for her brother just as much as she does. She knows that monster is here

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