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My Ruthless General

Chapter 101 The ruthless general change his tone

Word Count: 756    |    Released on: 08/07/2021

un or working on a project that we both loved. The grant money changed the landscape of our plan. Ari and I decided

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1 Chapter 1 Leaving San Francisco2 Chapter 2 I would like to sit beside you3 Chapter 3 My past mistakes4 Chapter 4 I will cherish this moment5 Chapter 5 Welcome back Savannah6 Chapter 6 Military Ball7 Chapter 7 Adam is your nephew 8 Chapter 8 Letting go9 Chapter 9 Tell me something about her10 Chapter 10 I am going to marry her11 Chapter 11 Soulmate for Adam12 Chapter 12 The Confession13 Chapter 13 Meeting Savannah's relatives14 Chapter 14 Butterfly farm15 Chapter 15 Impromptu Wedding16 Chapter 16 Pre-sabbatical leave plans17 Chapter 17 Interrogation 18 Chapter 18 I am proud to be your wife19 Chapter 19 Blood Pact20 Chapter 20 News Flash21 Chapter 21 Task Force New Hope New Life22 Chapter 22 Meeting with Ari's team23 Chapter 23 Phase 2 Plans24 Chapter 24 Moving on25 Chapter 25 Moving On26 Chapter 26 Missing her so bad27 Chapter 27 When the cat is away the mouse will play28 Chapter 28 Car accident29 Chapter 29 I will kill them myself30 Chapter 30 I will fix everything31 Chapter 31 I would like my wife to see me first when she wakes up32 Chapter 32 CBI meeting33 Chapter 33 The Orphanage34 Chapter 34 Selective Amnesia35 Chapter 35 Hypnosis36 Chapter 36 Meeting with the Hypnotherapist37 Chapter 37 My Happy Times38 Chapter 38 Heart to Heart Conversation39 Chapter 39 Coping with her Pain40 Chapter 40 I will help you Heal41 Chapter 41 Camp Roberts Army Base42 Chapter 42 I Love Monterey43 Chapter 43 Meeting with Colleagues44 Chapter 44 The love of my Life45 Chapter 45 We can do this together!46 Chapter 46 Healing starts with Me47 Chapter 47 Welcome back to CN province, Ms Sav48 Chapter 48 The Medical Volunteers Trip Plan49 Chapter 49 Lunch in the Office50 Chapter 50 Who is Matilda 51 Chapter 51 12K Triad52 Chapter 52 I will put all of them in jail53 Chapter 53 News Flash54 Chapter 54 Friends and Relatives from the Community55 Chapter 55 Gen Tim and Gen Rex56 Chapter 56 My Military Family57 Chapter 57 I will be an obedient wife58 Chapter 58 Medical Volunteer Initiative Meeting59 Chapter 59 Challenging Times60 Chapter 60 We can resolve this.61 Chapter 61 Marriage Counselor62 Chapter 62 Medical Volunteer Event63 Chapter 63 Your parents love you!64 Chapter 64 First move 65 Chapter 65 Day 1 Medical Volunteer Event66 Chapter 66 Day 2 Medical Volunteer Event67 Chapter 67 Day 3 Final day68 Chapter 68 After event R and R69 Chapter 69 My wife is my priority70 Chapter 70 Interrogation of Matilda71 Chapter 71 The Raid72 Chapter 72 The soft side of General Ari de la Lucca73 Chapter 73 Meeting with the residents of New Hope74 Chapter 74 Welcome to the de la Lucca family!75 Chapter 75 Getting to know the de la Lucca's76 Chapter 76 I can feel his love to me.77 Chapter 77 Lovely evening with the de la Lucca78 Chapter 78 You're despicable!79 Chapter 79 I am Ari's childhood sweetheart80 Chapter 80 You're very precious to me81 Chapter 81 His Anxiety82 Chapter 82 Get together with old friends83 Chapter 83 R E G R E T S84 Chapter 84 You're the woman I am looking for since I started looking85 Chapter 85 My wife hates me86 Chapter 86 Breakfast in bed87 Chapter 87 Medal of Honor88 Chapter 88 I like your wife very much!89 Chapter 89 Guest speaker and awardee90 Chapter 90 Friends, classmates and neighbors91 Chapter 91 Acting weird and jealous92 Chapter 92 My heart is full of love93 Chapter 93 Overwhelmed by love and support94 Chapter 94 Lucky to have each other95 Chapter 95 My wife love Monterey!96 Chapter 96 I love my life now97 Chapter 97 Goodluck, Goodbye and See you soon98 Chapter 98 Flight to SF99 Chapter 99 Welcome back Ari and Savannah100 Chapter 100 New Chapter of our Life and Love together.