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My Ruthless General

My Ruthless General

Gracie Suzara


Savannah is an independent woman, determined and courageous. She is more than a pretty face. She did not remarry after her divorce. She has two children. She works as a freelance bookkeeper and part-time payroll assistant. Ari is a 5 Star General in the Military, widowed, and with 2 adult married children. He is the commanding officer in the CN province. Known to be ruthless, Tiger in Asia and a difficult person. Happy Hearts Military Ball Do you believe in fate? Ari asks Savannah. No, I don’t General. Is it Fate that we've met while I am ready to plunge into a long-term relationship? That is too forward to ask General! Savannah is taken aback. Maybe in your book but not in mine, Ari said. I like you a lot. Ari has a colored past, full of himself and arrogant. Savannah is feisty but an amazing person. Can they love completely without understanding the imperfections of each other? Will this relationship move forward to be the greatest love story?

Chapter 1 Leaving San Francisco

As Boeing 747 joins the friendly skies of San Francisco, California en route to Manila, Savannah is seated beside the window admiring the view inside the aircraft. With a book on her lap, she intends to enjoy the 14 hours non-stop trip. She is going to see her friends from high school, finalized the transfer of her parent's landholdings to her nephews and nieces, and tie some loose ends from her first relationship.

Earlier this year, she learned that her ex-boyfriend that she turned her back from many years ago is still hurting and blaming her for why he is always on the lookout for a relationship, he never stops, considering he is married for years. Savannah thought that she had this huge responsibility to fix it, she doesn’t know know-how decided to have a long talk with Eli, maybe, just maybe he will listen to her. She was in deep thoughts not noticing a guy sits on the aisle seat.

Hi….I am Adam, your seatmate on this 14 hours trip, extending his hand to Savannah.

Savannah acknowledges the handshake but kind of cold, not a friendly gesture. Still in deep thoughts, thinking of ways how to approach the issue. It’s been more than 10 long years. She is determined to fix it for her peace of mind. Did he forgive me already? What if he refused to see me? I haven’t seen him for many many years. Savannah is having this mixed feelings.

Adam knew that Savannah is into deep thoughts by glancing at her from time to time. He assumed that she wanted to be left alone.

Adam's heart is pounding rapidly, he doesn’t know why. He is excited, he would like to know Savannah. We have 14 hours, I will make sure that I got her attention.

A year ago, Adam went home from work earlier than the usual time when he discovers that his wife of 15 years is in the bed with a friend. He was devastated. At the same time, their daughter also came in and witnessed all of her mother’s infidelity.

Adam left the house and got himself an apartment near his work. He filed for divorce and granted after a year. His daughter is in her early twenties move in with her boyfriend of 5 years.

It was a rough 2 years for Adam.

His sister Susan lives in Tarlac, Philippines. She manages the farm that the family-owned for the last 40 years.

Susan: Since you’re retired already help me manages the farm. You can relocate here and look for a wife.

Adam: I am not interested in looking for a wife Susan though I am willing to relocate there for a change. I will contact my old buddies. I will let you know when to expect me and Thank you for thinking of me. I do appreciate that.

Susan: We are family, I am so concerned about you. It's not a good idea to grow old without someone beside you. I will not force you. I will respect your decision and boundaries.

Savannah opened her laptop and start typing when the light went off.

Adam: let me help you with that. He turned on the light on Savannah’s head and direct the light to her laptop.

Savannah: Thank you seatmate [she forgot his name]

Adam: You’re welcome. It’s Adam, my name is Adam.

Savannah: Sorry, I am into a lot of things, apologize for not remembering your name.

Adam: It’s okay, yes I can see that you’re pretty occupied. If you want to talk, I am your seatmate in the next 14 hours.

Savannah: Sure….I don’t mean to ignore you and Thank you for understanding.

Adam is observing Savannah, she is tall, pretty face, no ring, just simple stud diamond earrings but a lot of bracelets on both wrists. She doesn’t even wear make-up. Maybe she is in her early 40’s. She is avoiding eye contact, distant, sweet smile, slim delicate fingers, unpainted nails, and her hair in shoulder length. She looks sophisticated, reserve, and professional. Adam is attracted to Savannah, at first glance. It's like the first time I’ve ever seen your face…

“The first time ever I saw your face

I thought the sun rose in your eyes

And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave

To the dark and the endless skies”.

Adam is humming the song repeatedly calling Savannah’s attention.

Savannah: I know that song.

Adam: Really, it's an old song, the lyric is very romantic.

Savannah: Yes, it was. I remembered when I was in high school, someone gave me a tape that can be played on an old tape recorder, that was mid 70’s. Tape A …that song playing for 90 minutes and the backside is You are so beautiful by Joe Crocker. 2 songs in 180 minutes tape….that was so romantic then and now maybe for someone who is hopelessly romantic. Sad because until now I did not find out who gave that tape to me.

Adam thought, now we can talk.

Adam: That was so romantic indeed. He did not come forward?

Hannah: No, so until now I am still guessing.

Adam: So sad for him, so what brings you to Manila?

Savannah: I am visiting my mother’s province and tie up all the loose ends regarding my parent's properties. I am the eldest, appointed as executor of the will, that is my responsibility to finish the transfers. And another issue about my past mistakes that I have to close the book.

Adam: So this trip is very important.

Savannah: Yes, it is. I have to finish all of it because I have no intention of coming back to my birth country.

Adam: You sounded so bitter….

Savannah: No I am not….that’s me. I was told I am a cold person, that’s my response sometimes are bitter or even so negative or sarcastic to some people.

Adam: Cold person???

Savannah smiles: Yes, I see myself that way but sometimes I am hopelessly romantic. I guess it depends on my mood….

She had a sweet smile, she’s more beautiful when she smiles. I have to get to know her now.

Adam: It is okay to talk, it’s a 14-hour trip. May I sit beside you, I don’t want to be shouting here.

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