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I will see you in my Dreams

I will see you in my Dreams

Gracie Suzara


Hannah and Ari met doing contract work in the city. Hannah noticed that Ari is always looking at her, staring the whole day. One day Ari asks her, "Did we meet before? Your face is so familiar…” Hannah said, “I don't remember meeting you.” Ari jokingly said, "Maybe we dated in the past." She said, “…..no, we haven't, I know whom I dated in the past. I don't remember meeting you.” “Ahhhh, maybe we've met from our past lives”, Ari said. “Do you believe in destiny?” “I don't know, I heard about it, but I don't have facts about it”, Hannah said. “And you? Do you believe in destiny?” “Yes, I do,” Ari said. “I am sure, I have met you somewhere. Maybe I failed you in our past lives....just maybe. This time around, I will make sure that I succeed in making you mine.”

Chapter 1 First encounter

Ari is married. He works as management executive in the bay area until the company closes. He was then jumping from one job to another just buying time to reach his age to get full retirement benefit. He is the youngest son to an interracial marriage. He is tall and good looking. He is a biker. He owns a Hurley Davidson and enjoys the ride every weekend with fellow riders. His parents owns a farm and vineyard in California, and a tobacco plantation in the Philippines.

Hannah is a hardworking marketing executive of a clothing manufacturing company. She was divorce since late 90's, a single parent to two young married couples. She lives by herself in a 2 bedroom townhouse. Happy and contented with her life. She visits her children and spend quality time with them once every three months. She is very active with her school class reunions. Every year they go places, learned the culture, history and enjoys each other company. She doesn't mind being single, she always find joy from her family and friends. Hannah is actually shy. Her father calls her little turtle, always hiding from her shell. An obedient daughter to her parents and sister to her siblings. Hannah parents owns a small subdivision in the province. They donated a parcel of land and help build an orphanage. She is into helping the community by being a co founder of a cooperative that helps farmers to improve their livelihood.

The brief encounter of Ari and Hannah leaves a mark to their hearts that Hannah cannot explain. She always dreamt of Ari every single night since they work together. She always caught him looking at her from a distance. At first, it doesn't bother her but times goes by, she became conscious and tried so hard to ignored him.

Ari on the other hand is content on just staring at her the whole day. Sometimes, he goes to her on a lunch break at the break room to check on her lunch like …you're ok with your lunch, that's unhealthy. I don't have time to cook, Hannah said. Do you want me to cook for you tomorrow, I can bring 2 lunches. She will shyly say, Thank you but No, thanks…I'm good. Ari is friendly, he is a friend to everyone in the office. PJ an east asian co worker is so sweet that she will cook for everyone. She is very fond of Ari, they talk and talk during break time about food, life in India and family. Sometimes, when they are engrossly talking everyone notices that Ari is looking at Hannah but talking to PJ.

One day, Ari ask Hannah to have coffee outside of office….Can I buy you a fresh brewed coffee after work…..Hannah refuses and said I have freshly brewed coffee at home, I even grind my own beans. Ari just laugh it off….why you're pushing me away, I want to be your friend. What do you want from me Ari? Hannah asked….I want your heart Hannah, your heart, Ari responded. Hannah is taken aback, retreated from her shell and did not talk to Ari until the end of their work contract.

The guys at work notices Ari and Hannah's words exchanges and laugh it off. They also notices Ari constant glances to Hannah. Makes them smile.

Every weekend, Hannah walks an hour from her place around the neighborhood, circling 3 blocks. Along that route, in the corner of 2nd st., a group of bikers are having some beers and bbq every weekend. It is Hannah's route. She feels that there are eyes looking at her when she passes that house. She decided to change route every other weekend.

The contract expires and the team said goodbyes and went on with their lives.


Ari's marriage is in turmoil due to his constant absence. He was asked to help his brother who is ill in managing their vineyard in Gilroy sometimes, he has to fly to Philippines to oversee their tobacco plantation for months. Because of Ari's schedule, his wife filed for divorce. Devastated and heartbroken, he went from a relationship on top of another relationship. He wishes that he kept his old phone where Hannah's phone in it. He is now capable to taking her to dinner, he is free. The guys in the workplace before thought that Hannah did not entertained Ari because he is married.

During the early part of his divorce, he drove where he thinks Hannah might be doing her grocery shopping, the bank, the church and the mall. He cant find her. Broken hearted for not finding Hannah, he ask his brother in Gilroy that he would like to relocate to the Philippines and help his elder brother Yael in the plantation.

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