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The Agent's Bad Boy

Chapter 18 The day it went down

Word Count: 1471    |    Released on: 23/05/2021

e it's going

reported it this morning and I'

o relay to the guys on our payroll that they need to protect her. An


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1 Chapter 1 The Day he annoyed her2 Chapter 2 The day they both met3 Chapter 3 The day she went on a date4 Chapter 4 The day they both wanted it5 Chapter 5 The day he cursed6 Chapter 6 The day he gets her high. Repeatedly.7 Chapter 7 The day she was at his8 Chapter 8 The day they got jealous 9 Chapter 9 The day she pulled the trigger10 Chapter 10 The day she was watched11 Chapter 11 The day she met the new neighbor12 Chapter 12 The day he questioned her 13 Chapter 13 The day she was back at it14 Chapter 14 The day they went away15 Chapter 15 The day they were nice to each other16 Chapter 16 The day they were at the vineyard17 Chapter 17 The day Yegor delivers18 Chapter 18 The day it went down19 Chapter 19 The day he stayed with her 20 Chapter 20 The day they were a couple21 Chapter 21 The day Darko despised Yegor22 Chapter 22 The day Darko save Zasha23 Chapter 23 The day Yegor was held responsible 24 Chapter 24 The day the Albanian feels25 Chapter 25 The day she calmed him down26 Chapter 26 The day she decided to stay27 Chapter 27 The day she met the Albanian28 Chapter 28 The day she was planned to go29 Chapter 29 The day when Darko gone rogue30 Chapter 30 The day Yegor has another brother31 Chapter 31 The day she talked to the fiance32 Chapter 32 The day kiska went missing33 Chapter 33 The day Yegor lost his cool34 Chapter 34 The day The Albanian was busy35 Chapter 35 The day she loves him36 Chapter 36 The day she's feeling better37 Chapter 37 The day they had dinner38 Chapter 38 The day they made love39 Chapter 39 The day when she first arrived40 Chapter 40 The day he finds out41 Chapter 41 The day she punches baby daddy42 Chapter 42 The day they made plans43 Chapter 43 The day she came home44 Chapter 44 The day she finds out45 Chapter 45 The day he made a promise46 Chapter 46 The day the Albanian decided to help47 Chapter 47 Epilogue