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The Radiant War

The Radiant War

Author: Ian Reeve

Chapter 1 Tarnmetwell

Word Count: 4672    |    Released on: 15/03/2021

Marboll,” he said without preamble. “Three hours ago, all telegraph communication with Marboll ceased. It might j

gest society parties, recounting anecdotes of his military career and listening to the city's small talk, had a way of deadening the mind. He had succeeded, after weeks of tireless effort, in becoming the city's latest celebrity du jour,

larity. He had this one opportunity to make it big in the city, big enough to attract the attention of the corrupt politicians trying to throw the empire into civil war and convince them that he was as corrupt as they were, that he would make a valuable addition to the conspiracy. Unfortunately, in order to do that

r parts of Helberion. It looks as though there's be

erion. Not a big one, anyway. What's the f

ph office’s been destroyed, they'll have to transfer to the backup station outside the city. I'm guessing they'll have other things they'll wan

sourceful. He's managed to delay the Carrow invasion for months. They may have decided that he’s just too much trouble to be left aliv

filtrate the Palace of King Nilon, their version of Matron Darniss. His role in the palace didn’t give him legitimate access to the telegraph office, though. He normally communicated by means of a handler he met in the city once every week or two. Periwinkle meant that he'd come across a vitally

eries of massive earthquakes all along the border that will destroy our defences and leave us wide open. The attack is imminent, it says, and the message is dated three hours ago. The atta

o keep us from discovering their plans for us. This, this smacks of desperation! As if something's happened somewhere and they suddenly have to move fast before it's too late! Also, I cannot believe that Carrow compl

side! They can summon storms, ea

n places with a history of volcanic activi

o you just hope they can

f they were that powerful. We have to assume there are limi

own. If they have Radiants to scatter our armies before the Carrowmen arrive,

time to make preparations to mitigate the effects. We'll find a way to fight the Radiants. A way m

ce? Maybe they’re not hiding any more

the moment contact is re-established with Marboll. If it's confirmed that the Radiants have declared open war, we can tell Tyron about Fienwell. Tel

ode in. He was holding a folded document in his hand. He strode toward the receptionist, then saw the A

r you, Private?” as

dance of Brigadier Weyland James at Tarnmetwell Palace, to di

earthquake in Marboll and an imminent Carrow invasion, miraculously timed to coincide with each other? Had it made him reassess the Brigadier's words to him at the Imperial Reception? “May I have a moment to change

the messenger, but then he looked the Brigadier up and do

can.” He nodded to the Ambassador, then str

ent palace and the Brigadier disembarked, he reflected how fortunate it was that the Emperor had been in the city for the entire duration of his visit to this country. He could just as easily have been in Jhatov Villa, a thousand miles to the south, or one of the others even further away, which would have presented t

nds and the built up urbanisation of the city outside meant that they were probably the only specimens of the plant remaining in the city. In the Brigadier's imagination, though, the palace was gone, the tall, black and gold tow

ard to meet him. “Brigadier Weyland James,” he

one of the soldiers sai

n longer, for the Emperor to meet him, and so was moderately surprised when Tyron appeared less than five min

he Brigadier sat opposite him. “I doubt this comes as a surprise to you. They report that they have just launc

quickly. He must also have an agent in King Nilon’s palace! He wondered whether Wombat and the Kelvon agent ever came

before, except in their own cities. They summoned earthquakes to tear your country's defences apart, then summoned mists to conceal the approach of Carrow troops. They also reported that the Radiants cast

ghtfully. “I brought you here to ask whether you could cast any light on this unprecedented situation,” he said

t a little more dipl

n my own government were conspiring to brin

ria concerning thoughts she overheard while in telepathic communication with

t evi

can communicate with them and other adoptees telepathically. Such people can be recognised by the fact that their skins glow, just like the Radiants themselves. They cover their skins with powder so that they

st cer

incess Ardria was, by an enemy who wished him harm a

n’t you report this to the Kelvon authoritie

us. It might have spurred them to advance their plans before we were ready for them. Now that they seem to have declared open wa

attack us directly, as they have a

your government are taking draconian measures against the rebel workers, measures that are designed to aggregate them and fuel their grievances rather than r

. He has a reputation for competence and has connections that make him extremely useful. It's possible that I may have been overcompensating for his appearance, that I've been aware that he’s not right for the job and that I've been attributing this to an unconscious

ms to have been abandoned, Fienwell may anticipate thi

He’d done it! His mission had been a success! He could leave it to the Emperor now. Now that he was treating the possibility of rot in the very heart of his Empire seriously, he would find it and root it out. The danger was that the pr

uck ran out. He’d missed the last two meetings in the King's Shilling and the Brigadier was beginning to get worried

e could simply ask a member of the embassy staff to stand in for him for future meetings. If more weeks went by and he still failed to turn up, then he was probably dead. It would mean he was

ad then forgotten about and who had had to wait for two days, looked after by apologetic palace staff, until word could be gotten to the Emperor and leave given for him to depart. Fortunately, the

adier, and then the Colonel indicated for the Brigadier to sit again. The Colonel then sat in the chair the Emperor had just left, while the other man sat beside him. “I wonde

order to give you this informat

then took a notebook and pen from a pocket and began

ough, it wasn’t necessary for him to continue courting the Farwell social scene and he was looking forward to spending pretty much all of the day ahead relaxing in his room before beginning his journey back to Helberion the day after. It had been a long time since he'd been

he wondered. To be retired, to never again have to get out of bed at some ridiculously early hour, spend the day travelling through hard terrain, possibly with the threat of combat hanging over him the whole time? No more hardships, being able to rest as long as he wanted whenever the aches and pains of his ageing body began to grow too great. Being able to just take it easy for as long as he wanted. He found that he couldn’t imagine it, that kind

tryside from one target to the next. Ride in fast, hit them hard, then withdraw before they could recover and organise themselves. Malone would be there beside him, he simply couldn’t imagine it otherwise despite the fact that almost his entire military career had taken place before he'd taken him on as his batman, and they would spend their evenings around a small campfire with a handfu

saw the elderly military man wiping his boots on the doormat. “Brigadier James!” he said, striding forward. “Ambassador Mornwell told me to wait here for you, to pass on orders from the King. The telegraph lines to Marbo

ant me to carry out an act of sabotage there? Or assassi

ic mission. The mission is intended to end the war between our two countries and convince King Nilon of the necessity to join with Helberion in

is own daughter to Carrow? On a diplomatic mission? While we’

repeated. There was no mistake. H

s speaking with the Emperor just a few

of hours ago. The King and the Emperor have only just finished discussi

highwaymen waylaying the Princess’ retinue in some remote spot, killing everyone except the Princess herself. Nilon would blame it on bandits, and no-one would be able to prove him a liar. Tyron might know the truth, but there would be enough doubt for him to avoid enter

d be. The Princess’ retinue would have to take a wide detour to the north to avoid it, through Erestin, a neutral country, but one with which Helberion had always enjoyed good relations. That would mean the Princess would take longer to get to Bonewell, which was good, but the Brigadier was still almost twice as far west of the Carrow town th

I'll need to ride it almost to death. And remounts, i

h coin to buy remounts so long as you're within Kelvon territory. Once you reach the border,

ow, where the sky was beginning to glow with the approach of dawn. “I’ll

you sle

ut of the room, heading for the stairs up to the visitors quarters. His day of leisure was not to be,

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