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Half a Dozen Girls


Word Count: 3428    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ice a hermit from his cell, and Mrs. Adams and the young people had agreed to devote Saturday afternoon to a long drive. Soon after their early lunch they had started off, Job leading the

in one of his languid moods that day, and in spite of warning checks and flapping of lines, and even a mild application of the whip, he refused to break into a trot; but, with bowed head and discouraged mien, he plodded onward with as

as if he couldn't crawl another step. I'm sorry," she added to her passengers, "to spoil ou

ied Cob outside the gate, while the others crowded around Job to watch with pitying eyes, as Mrs. Adams unharnessed this feeble veteran who had probably gone on his final march. The last strap was unbuckled and allowed to fall to the ground, while Mrs. Adams invitingly held up the worn old halter, to slip it on Job's nose. Perhaps she was slower than usual, perhaps some sudden thought of a neglected opportunity shot through Job's brain. However that might be, there was a quick scattering of the group, as two iron-shod heels flew up into t

Adams was calling in vain, wh

n back all the time we were gone, but just sat on the very front

ed up his ears in derisive scorn when they scolded him and requested him to whoa. He had no intention of whoaing. He recognized from afar that a snare lay hidden somewhere in the measure of oats which Mrs. Adams held out before him, and he drew bac

hing was to be gained

etired to the house t

the stable, and come


Mrs. Adams, dropping into a chair

before?" asked Flor

id he will repeat the experiment, he has had such a good time to-day. It just makes me want to whip h

He slowly raised his head and gazed longingly up and down the street, as if yearning to try a wider field for his gymnastics. Then apparently h

r mother exclaimed, as she hurried away to tie u

dinner and heard the story, h

l to be outwitted by one poor old hors

ot so!" interp

e, so don't put any more y

sinful pleasure in reminding

meat. "If you are careful of him and keep him for a few years longer,

s soon sell Polly. No money could ever make up for that ol

d no money could buy his obedience to

ed for the dessert, the doctor

sked; "how comes on

y, pap

tired of it, by this time,

enthusiastically. "And if we gave it up, you

doctor lapse

ask, papa?" i


is hand as it lay on the table. "Now, popsy Ad

ther plan; but if you are all satisfied, I'll offer it to some o

too much

"We'll do it too, whatev

t funny at all, something for which yo

ll, but she ans

it, just

ovingly. "I have felt that it was high time you girls w

plored Jessie, whose curios

ar. She isn't pretty; she isn't especially bright; she is an Irish girl from one of the hill towns in the northern part of the state. B

his short story would have on them. Polly's cheeks were flushed, Jean's eyes were shining with her interest, but Ka

apa," urg

are just the six of you, you know,-and run in to see her for a few minutes after school. She is perfectly well, except for her back, and you can imagine how dull it must be for her there. No

ere was a murmur of assent fro

l to do, I know. I only suggest the chance to you. I would think of it well, for unless you could be regular, it might be worse than

Florence, as the doctor s

et O'K

herself, Jessie wrinkl

wered the doctor briskly. "Now I must be off.

r, the front door

work was agreed upon. Each was to take her own day, and give up half an hour after school to a call on this other girl, who was condemned to lie still and know that the world was going on around her just as usual. There was

Florence. "If we go to see her every ot

"and yet, it does seem too bad to upset our fun when we

an obj

r ill, I don't want you drawing lots which sha

he leaned over to lay her small, slim hand on his; "the boy can't go, but he

d to her i

said warmly. "I'm proud

e laughe

more time than most of you, and i

t half-hour a week would ever cost her; and, too, from that time onward, Alan looked on his cousin

reaction would probably come, checked their zeal, and only encouraged their shorter visits. How much good they did to their young patient, they never knew. The healthy, out-of-door atmosphere which they brought in, their scraps of news, and their gay chatter did as much to brighten the rest of the long, lonely days, as the one or two pictures they brought did towards beautifying the plain, white walls of the little room where Bridget was learning her less

ing cosily by the sunny window. Winter was not half over before the girls used to turn aside, now to spend a few moments among the forlorn midgets in the children's ward, then to pass slowly along through the accident ward, giving a pleasant word or two in exchange for the smiles that never failed to greet their coming. Each one of them had her own particular circle of friends whom she gravely discussed with the doctor, learning much of the history and needs

rance and courage. At length, one day, Katharine coaxed the girl's story from her, how she was left an orphan with younger children to care for; how she had fallen and hurt her back; how she had strained it with overwork, when it was still weak; how she had struggled to keep on, until the doctor had brought her where she was; and how she must hurry to get well, in order

e clear eyes above her own,-"Thank you, miss. It's nice t

and dropped two or three scarlet carnations on the

y enough to pay the children's board for ever and ever so lon

l him in what way she would prefer to take her present. The secret was kept, and no thanks were ever spoken; but Katharine cared for none. It was enough to watch the girl's happy content, now that her one

divided up!" Katharine said to Moll

skly over the frozen ground, as if he too, as well as

uely, rousing herself from a half-for

Dicky what's-his-name. You know the one I mean. And then, just in our set, there's ever so much difference. Jessie and I have everything we want, and Jean has to pinch and scrimp; Jean is as strong as a bear, and Alan can't do anything

robe about herself and her cousin. "Maybe, if we knew

ing, and some go without, as they do. I don't suppose there is much of anything in the w

st everybody can get what she wants, if she is willing to wor

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