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Chapter 1 First Chapter

Word Count: 1709    |    Released on: 21/03/2021

y okay but I shall l


happy with the sit

ey were ever in his condition... In h

ything so as to get a roof over his head and food for his

servant bu

m to school and they never loved him, they weren't his pa

ir kids wore nice and expensive designer clothes..

the old books that the other kids didn't us

to get out of his current condition... No big dreams.. He only wished f

e had to live on. He was in no place allowed to compl

he would be someone of importance somed

n his hands. He had to take the clean clothes to their re

laundry... There was always somethin

him... He didn't know who his real parents were let alone remember them, the harder he tried to reme

red his face and other parts of his body. He looked at his reflectio

ed... Oh how he wished that he had die

onder they bought him no clothes, no wonder they didn't bother ta

ur parents. You're probably the cause of your parent's de

ad and he didn't know any of his relatives... Not his aunts, un

sked pathetically as he stood on the topmost staircase

sed his name, he always referred to him as "ghost". It hurt at first but not anymore.... It still hurt (though not

James and slowly

es spat disgustingly. He di

e boy looked down at the laundry basket he held, tears threatening

d my clothes." James said as h

He whispered to hi

her feet shyly. She had dark brown curly hair just l

y not Mrs. Rubis' favorite like the way James was. Nonetheless, that didn't change the fact that she had Mrs. Rubis' bloo

just five and he was ten years... Of co

t his mouth and throat felt dry from the lack o

up at him, wondering what was

needed to rest for he had another day to start over again

y dinner". She said. "Oh my name

sn't new. He had been used to this kind of punishment whenever Mrs. Rubis was angry

to side before pulling a big red apple from her baggy

iska said waiting fo

nor looked at him before, so what could be the

aying tricks on him because he was hungry? ... Truth be known, he needed that apple but still, he nee

y smile as she took his hand and placed the apple there, right o

ore ugly like that but R

this?". He asked be

realised, being nice uses less energy than being mean". She rep

being mean". He kept repeating her words in

asion. She was always the silent one.. Actually, never in

l and at least, she never insulted nor ill treated him.

eks hurt a little, not completely healed noneth


fore you sleep". Mrs. Rubis shouted from upstairs c

to ruin all his

would get punished again. Moreover, it wa

g it quickly as he walked t

ding behind him, his heart beat fastened, his mind ran around all the thoughts that crossed of whom could be possibly sta

as it went down his t

eart beat fast and hard against his chest. H

won't harm you". A voi

y, the wrinkles on her face and hand were clearly visible and a h

ng in front of him because of the way he looked. He didn't want to disgust her with his l

Korna didn't look up though he wondered, what kind of great new

had never seen this woman before and he was

t then again, he h

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