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Ghost Of Revenge

Ghost Of Revenge


Chapter 1 The Call

Word Count: 1503    |    Released on: 28/03/2021

me as soon as possible". Uncle Tobias

to go back home?. My semester wasn't even winding up

that!". I exclaimed back as I placed

stabel, it's urgent an

presence?. Can't you sort it out?". I que

n the table beside my books. I felt exhausted

a yawn as I stretched out rel

o write in a few weeks time. I had to stu

t want to depend on my Father's will. I wanted to build my own

ow that Father was no more, Mother wasn't her

he needed me for, he'd

?. I dropped my hands on the table with a small thud

m to pack up and also book a plane

ular condo to live in instead of renting out an apartmen

y favorite coffee shop thus I had n

ight on time even after Father's death. Let me just say that Father always made it as his pr

t high waist jeans, a pinkish woolen crop-top which was long sleeved (it was like a sw

e. Her face lit up when she saw me. I got out of the cab, engulfing her in

cab driver so he left

as she took my suitcase while I

stopped walking and turned to look at

meant everyone like the house helps, my sister and M

d and set the suit

ort. Is there any problem that you've not t

g me to pause from taking out my stuf

her eyes and she lo

cle Tobias?. He'll tell you all that you ne

lled me to come back home?. I'm sure he h

d hesitantly looked at me, "Before I forget, I'm sorry for everything that has taken place. Only God kn

elt weak, my knees gave in to the weight

my Mother alright?. Uncle Tobias never told me anything, he had just

ally reassure myself. 'Clara is around and

ng about Mother. Wheth

y be wrong?". I ask

ee Clara standing on the doorway. Looking back at me st

n a neat ponytail, she was yellow skinned, had dark beautiful eyes, had

k blouse, a matching coat on top which she hadn't really w

noticed the white vase she was holding

the deafening silence present in the room which I h

ind her where Uncle Tobias stoo

utfit today?. I didn't wa

a few meters away from me, I couldn't

eyes were swollen red. She had dark circles unde

ll. I hadn't been sleeping well

ked far more worse and

asked, her eyes raking

e up at the airport?". I asked a

any close!

again, her eyes looking stra

sion her eyes held but Clara had ne

, huh?. Don't you know your

ust kept quite if you didn't want to respond.. Anyways, where

looked away at nothing in particular an

k a step towards her but she quickly took a step

ess, fear, worry... I needed answers

quickly turned and left my room,


room and shut th

talk". I tried talking soft

thought to myself trying to remember wh

r open the door". Uncle To

im. Worry lines etche

pening around here

ser pockets, his face held

tired from the flight and all that. I'll have so

was something indeed wrong an

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