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Whirlpool Of The Past

Whirlpool Of The Past


Chapter 1 The Insatiable Actress

Word Count: 1466    |    Released on: 11/04/2021

ng in the dark, cars raced each other as soon as traffic lights turned green. In a building full of luxuri

red lipstick, kissed the man whose arms were loosely fallen onto her waist as he own hands were wrapped around his neck

wly traveled down from the back of his neck to his tie and skilfully untied his tie without looking down even once. The guy was too busy fulfilling his satis

smiled when when she saw his eyes widen until his pupils were surrounded but the white ocean as if the pupil was the only island.

spered. “When one’s trust is broken- It

then threw the tie away and pushed the man onto the huge king sized bed in the centre of the room and quickly grabbed the pillow laying next to th

hard to fight back with his arms, but she was way stronger. Within a few seconds of

ot up from the bed, she patted her dress, making sure no

ed her head to face the dead man

she spoke before facing the came

outed the

all from his face and landed on his lap as he sat down on the soft mattress beneath him. The girl

ther was heard inside the whole apartment. She faced the director wh

ke when he found the wavy-brown ha

rn to the director before returning back to the makeu

way. She’s been offered to advertise for huge businesses, many of the businesses even paid her a high amount of money in ord

ion returned to her usual insatiable face and started making her way towards the bathroom to get out of the dress. She came out of the b

he long break and New years eve!” the director announced and everyone in the room started cheering and wooing while Nissan crossed he

o knows what the director wants to do? Nissan remembered seeing a dozen packets of condoms inside a black rubbish bag in the back of the directors car wh

ce of a man was heard from behind her. She rolled her

ands as he looked at Nissan with a hint of disappointment, he was no longer wearing his black coat and her red lipstick was still smea

of the wipes off the vanity set and quickly strode all

she spoke while her hand was still extended out in front of him. He stared at

her uneasiness and quickly tried to pull back her hand, but was held tightly by him. Once he saw the loo

ft on the side of her forehead, she was glaring back at him when he suddenly stopped wiping

annoyance hinted in her voice. She turned her back to him and left the apa

entrance to the building since she had a VIP pass and because she was a part of the film that was held inside this building. She didn’t want to waste anymore time so she got into her car and

road. He took out his phone and dialed a

red on his face. Boss needs this girl and he will get this girl t

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