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Coming back home to You

Chapter 3 Do you still love me

Word Count: 1920    |    Released on: 13/04/2021




my mom so much. We were all so happy my best friend was my stepbrother. He was gone for what seemed like forever when we heard a knock at the door. Two police officers ca

r husband the police chief didn't make it. My mom lost it she collapsed I knew I should run to her, but right now looking at Chase I knew he needed me.

xt to him and held him. We stayed like that for a while before I got up to change into my tank top and shorts, I sleep in. My mom called

looked at me and said ok. He came back in wearing nothing but his basketball shorts looking like a Greek God. Yea

I looked up at him and did the one thing I have only dreamed of doing. I kissed those perfect li

e with him. He looked at me with eyes begging for permission and I answered by kissing him. We made love for the first time that night then


is smiling face

hell are you

ol tomorrow looks like we get to have

e hell since you us

staying at? Did y

ome guy she met she shipped me back

mean you are now l

room. We're roomies

ll never get back what we had. I will never forgive him for ta

ot to go find my frie

lmost crumbled, but I knew I had to g

l see you at home an

go home. He was worried but he took me home right away. As soon as I got in the door, I

hy are yo

ise. It's for people that lost a loved one.

st have forgot. Um mom why didn't y

ow how much you missed him over the years.

do you

him far away from me. He was so broken up he never wanted to leave this was his home. You were his rock he needed us, but she didn't care. She got with guy after guy and they sometimes

d no

for the airport now so please help him to adjust to things, and I will be back

deal with my so-called boyfriend and best friend tomorrow, but for now I needed to go and talk to Chase. I walked int

nted to apologize for how I acted at the

hy are you hav

just wanted to tell you my mom left for her cruise, and

to me good

ight C

not even think about that night at all? He called me Sugar no one but him ever calls me tha

y I just wanted to crawl back in bed and never get up. I knew that wasn't going to happen, so I quickly got up and showered and out on my f

hot. I went down to pour me some juice and noticed it was already on t

have to. I'm shocked y

ee years Sugar three exceptionally lon

. We pulled up and everyone was in the parking lot congratulating the football team on thei

ng right behind me. As soon as everyone seen Chase, they ran up to

riend behind my back now she was going after my first love I don't think so. I pushed her away from me and went up to Julian. She gave me a weird look but went over to whe

how was the g

d we won li

e with. I looked at him trying to figure out why I even went for him then it clicked. Oh, yea I went for him knowing

dn't you tell me

ase walked up a

e what brings you back to

til senior year is over. What can I say I missed

me. I have the most amazing gi

didn't know what to say, and since

't see that one coming you t

Plus, she got really hot. Just ki

pain in Chase's eyes. Why would Julian throw it in his face like this? And why was Chase acting so hurt? Did he s

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