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Bound Series

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1124    |    Released on: 20/04/2021


t help but ask while crying as the fema

ting half a liter of chocolate ice cream. I know this movie wi

ecause everyone from the town is already looking for them. Seeing

on pieces. He is such a sweetheart and to be able to express the

dly as I take another

d Rome said that they might not make it home to

the company earlier which was so hard to deal with. In time

tement because I really bawl my eyes out for the characters. If someone sees me now, they wo

ening. The next thing I knew, Yohan, Haiden, Vash, Rome an

not even given a chance to b

I checked who it was and I see

e smells

e going to watch a movie." He sounded s

e movie again? I think thi

ind is blank right now so I did not r

t nobody said anything about. I know that we were not close and

of ice cream in front of me. I look u

took the tube that I have and re

eyes just followed him as h

ght me some strawberry flavored one. I'm actually more of a strawberry type of pe

shing all the guilt that I h

saw that he and Jason is

e beginning and I notice how e

e been doing v

ing and took one of my snapback. He knew I collect tho

in and then took off afterwards.

I felt a pair of eyes staring at me a

w it'

teasing me about liking him and started avoiding

ecause I feel like I may have sounded rude b

t. "About the othe

d. I took it as a

know it was uncalled f

be he's still upset. I must have hurt him

arm and pull me back on my sit. I was star

ean on his head to my shoulder. Considering how s

I must have been so ten

y plans to move away, my body released

longer watching the movie. His eyes are closed and I can feel his breathing

" I c

le his eyes' still

d you can't make it tonight." I ask him. It's not

med to be so

e decided to go home a

'm depraving them all the rest that they need.

iously needed

to fixed a little of his hair wh

ash when I heard him snick

aw t

y which he just returned

focused myself back on the movie b

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