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The Exclusive Sex Worker

Chapter 5 Price

Word Count: 1270    |    Released on: 22/04/2021






been dying for a touch

ack making her hand

He half

n up to, Derek. I'll tell you because sooner or later you mig

Derek w

change the condition" Dere

t you?" T

friend, I can't cheat o

er. If yes, I'll take my leave now" Tess said fuming inw

expression covered his feature, but, i

o wherever place she's working. D

de to hug him but h

to be taken there. Not to

ut we'

word, I'll do whatever you want after then" De

ught for

'll likely miss th

d immediately after that, you'll do

er again before going in to

d they went dow

, it'll be faster that way"

f Mama Cassy X2 bar, s

to see here. If she works as a

nk she's hiding it f

here?" Tess pointed at the Merced

l there, in the dark. What

ul. Behind that bar, there is a bigger bar, more like

on Derek at what Te

ub?" Derek farr

d the door and stepped down,

y came down and

entrance, about to ent

doing?" She

u are saying is true" Derek replied tr

you have money? Millions to spend

d my sister":Derek was about yelling it

killed ok?" Tess said, she start

kept glaring at Derek, so he had no cho

u know of it - someone like you then....I don't know what they will do to you. Der

just that, so my sister won't

t arrested too, a lot of people will ge

one of them?" D

ïtch, then it only means you were the one who

death on how to get money, do you know that the building owner wanted to have sêx w

er some money or something. Why introduci

l down a bit, you look so pissed" Tess s


ening to her. Kara was leading her out from the makeup r

ying that no man should find intere

up applied on her and the sexy revealing dress she wa

prevent them from shaking too much, she doesn't want kara

g lights were everywhere. The men was sited watching some o

er were there. Some were sited at

with a man around 40. The man's cöck was already hard and sta

s mouth slightly parted, moan

ara walked her up to Mama Cassy wh

something to Mama Cassy and M

he grabbed her hand and sta

ithdrawing her hand from kara bu

pink approaching, stopped da

nto Pink as

our enjoyment but..." she looked at

er will take her for th

, tho they weren't all old men. There

wing her saliva

ent too so the...." Kara didn't finish her speech before men started

illed the millons they could pay

me after paying such huge a


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