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Vengeful Sisters

Chapter 4 Bad News

Word Count: 1477    |    Released on: 27/04/2021

their children's room followed by Phidel to

s they rushed over to her. Randy

erome wasted no time, she trod to their room which was on the far right

hands, she managed to unlock the car. Phidel settled in the right se

sister's laps. Phidel glanced down on her sister's pale face, bru

Phidelia, mum and da

. Jerome glanced worriedly at her daughter who was still fight

, we'll get y

ten the car on the

e a waterfall as they both took glances at Phidelia t

nning through Jerome's mind whenever her eyes f

urried out of the car into the hospital to get help from the

came running out with two nurse

and raced her into the hospital with

blocking them with her hand as they rushed her into the

face, held her mother's hand which m

alright...?" she queried, drawin

er as she took both of her hands in her hands. With a sigh, she paused for a

r head as she caressed her face. "Let's just wait here for the doctor

m.." she

air as she raised her eyes at her husband who stood a step

was feeling, he strolled over to them as Jero

r hopes up." He uttered assuredly. "Come, le

site the emergency room. They all settled on

e doctor finally came out. They all jolted u

me queried with anxiety w


f as they glanced at each other. "But we

" Randy questioned

too alarmed. I just want

e doctor. She glanced at her mother with the sign of nervousn

eed to do this for Phidelia

waiting for another second as s

d his hand around Phidel's shoulders

Not long as she returned that a nurse walked up to t

see her now?"

d with a smile before sh

r ward, another nurse came running to them

g them turn deftly to her. "Doctor

er way. Randy asked Jerome to go with Phid

wrong with her daughter and a

ee him. After that, we c

Jerome could be at times just gav


ses; going through a patient's fold

e in

or slowly pushed opened rev

asked them in, directing them

nurse standing beside him with a folder

with a smile, slightly bow

sed, he picked up the folder which was l

appened to

time something like this has h

ting something on the folder bef

rm you that your da

d quizzically, staring confusingl

her for a while now but a strong aura has triggered it and that aura is from Phi

aying, draped a hand on her mother's shoulder. Her m

aler to her medicines as first aid whenever it kicks in. Here,

ithout wasting muc

. I will ask the nurses t

tood up from their seats. "Thank y

g to live with Phidelia? She continued as they headed to her sister's ward. J

t when we get home

't really give her any assurance but she obliged any

s ward. They opened the door to see her sit

her but her father blocked them with his hand. The smile on her

still not fit to be

ather meant but she pushed no further. She p

er's hand into hers and they took the lead, gli

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1 Chapter 1 The Genesis2 Chapter 2 Family Moment3 Chapter 3 ILL FATE4 Chapter 4 Bad News5 Chapter 5 A Difficult Decision6 Chapter 6 High School and My First Enemy7 Chapter 7 The Crazy Gang8 Chapter 8 The Wrong Move9 Chapter 9 Staying Out Of Other’s Hair10 Chapter 10 The Nightmare Begins11 Chapter 11 Friends who Care12 Chapter 12 Living With It13 Chapter 13 Why Me 14 Chapter 14 Sharing Each Other’s Problem15 Chapter 15 My Misfortuned Sister16 Chapter 16 Living A Lie17 Chapter 17 The Unintentional Murder18 Chapter 18 The Tragedy19 Chapter 19 In Cold Hands20 Chapter 20 To Face Death21 Chapter 21 A Bitter Pill22 Chapter 22 Panic23 Chapter 23 The Search24 Chapter 24 The Separation25 Chapter 25 The Fear26 Chapter 26 Hiding The Evidence27 Chapter 27 Playing It Safe28 Chapter 28 The Tenacities29 Chapter 29 Untold Terror30 Chapter 30 The Game Of Revenge31 Chapter 31 The Hunt32 Chapter 32 The 33 Chapter 33 Busted On34 Chapter 34 Caught Up35 Chapter 35 The Confrontation36 Chapter 36 In My Sister's Steed37 Chapter 37 Meeting Phidelia38 Chapter 38 A First Take39 Chapter 39 Playing Your Game40 Chapter 40 Playing The Games41 Chapter 41 Meeting Scores42 Chapter 42 The Twist43 Chapter 43 The Breakdown (Part 1)44 Chapter 44 The Breakdown (2)45 Chapter 45 The Hate46 Chapter 46 The Frame Behind The Bitterness47 Chapter 47 Risk Taken48 Chapter 48 Broken Comfort 49 Chapter 49 The Chase Game50 Chapter 50 Loose Ends51 Chapter 51 Whom To Trust52 Chapter 52 The Fist Game53 Chapter 53 What Are You Hiding