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The Oracle and The Untamed

The Oracle and The Untamed

Author: Asmayi

Chapter 1 No Way Back

Word Count: 1282    |    Released on: 28/04/2021

She was far away from the place where she had stayed for the last 20 years. She let out a shaky breath, her heart pounding in her chest, the side of her ribs and legs ached with exha

turning colder as the night darkened. As the adrena

t moment, she almost regretted her decision of leaving, of causing such a ruckus. Oh, how she would give anything now to just slip under the warm blanket in her small attic room and just…forget everything else. She sighed wistfully. There was no way back now, not that she wished to go back as the col

able to survive even if you wanted to,’ a voice at the back of her mind snarked. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the cold glass of the window. Tightening her hold on the backpack, she forced her mind to remain blank, willed her mind to not replay those sordid images from today's inciden

otch. Her fingers trembled as she clicked on the power button. She winced at the glare of the screen. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw that it was Gloria. She had left 15 text messages and called 5 times. She swallowed back the tears. Gloria had been the only one who might have

ed two raindrops racing against each other. Her eyes felt heavy. ‘it’s the last


of doing so. She slung the backpack on her shoulder and got off. The city still looked asleep, maybe just stretching its arms and in the process of waking up. She looked around, trying to process everything for a moment. She was in a new city,

statement. As she was walking and thinking, her eyes fell on a bakery shop. Her stomach growled at the sight and it was then she realised that she hadn't eaten anything since last afternoon. But then her attention was drawn to the pamphl

self-conscious. She knew that she did not look presentable, but she mustered a smile nonetheless. “Hi.” she g

ing her ever-increasing she quickly said, “I...saw the pamphlet outside and...I would like to do this

e of livelihood, this pamphlet just...it was like God’s gift. Please let me have this. I assure you that I have experience in working as a salesgirl. I have worked

ce, “You can join from tomorrow. The shop opens at 7 in the morning and closes at 7 in the evening. My name is Barbara and I will give you a week to prove your sincerity.” She was looking at her sternly, and Summer coul

reign. The happiness — an emotion she had almost forgotten. For once, she wanted to thank her lucky stars.

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