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Jane Allen, Junior

Jane Allen, Junior



Word Count: 2137    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

he broad campus of Wellington College. It was a brave day-Summer defying Nature, swishing her silken skirts of transparent iridescence into the leaves already trembling before the master hand of Au

ted Norma Travers, "I wonder what we woul

h Stearns ominously. "I hope it doesn't mean a sign, as Velma Sigbee would put i

change of climate and its relation to the sun's rays going wild into space. I don't want to start anyt

bad enough to think of icy days up here, far, far away from the happy laughing world of hot chocolate and warm movie seats," and she rolled one more step nearer the boxwood lin

s rapidly sliding further away from Ted with the pretty open hand bag. "I had entirely forgotten how you d

t isn't a

udith Stearns. "I quote freely

"It has a chummy tone. All of which is as naught to the question. Where is Jane? Never knew her

lance of apprehension along the path where Jane Allen should at least now be seen on her way. "Perhaps Jane feels we should forswear this moment of mirth; being juniors and stepping aside fro

uckles and presently some naive little freshie will amble along and ask me if I happen to be one of the

y looking," appeased Nettie Brocton, the dimple girl. "But I really do think this 'whis

r under our own grandmother poplar, I say girls, go ahead and knock, but spare the whisper. I'd die if I had to go tramping around

Jane Allen? I always look to her to start things, and we can't stay here all day, alluring as is the grandmother poplar. We have 'juties'; girls, 'juties'. "Dozia Dalton had risen to her full height, which measured more feet and inches than her latest kitchen door records verified, and

day" just long enough to whisper hello and buzz a few unclassified other words. Rooms and corridors were in commotion; the campus was like a bee farm, and it

s down," announced Inez Wilson finally. "She didn't

llen goes forward with her red head in advance ther

fred Ayres. "Can't tell what we're missing. Jane m

I suppose we may as well fall in line," she continued good-naturedly. "Janie is still the idol of the mob; anyone

hings we know Jane will do. I have been reading up on psychology, and you may now expect me t

st and Jane Allen traveling with her head down-well, all I can say is I still take two lumps of sugar in my tea."

against the low cedars curled aroun

ie Brocton. "And look, girls! she isn't even whi

g the path, calling greetings to friends grouped in knots and colonies with a

out in a reckless, boyish sort of gesture to give force to the "

, whereas in an hour hence we may be weak from interviews with the new proctor. Sit down Jane. We just rose to go in search of you, and by my new watch I see there is still ti

bbling with joy, as I should be. I was detained in the office longer than I wanted to stay, and you all know how mean it is to have to sit on one particular chair facing the desk while a lot of new girls as

m delay in the busy office indeed, as if she would not have bolted out and left the whole room to the nervous new students! The girls looked from one to the other and finally Judith

hear every garage in the village is bursting with classy cars, and the livery stable can't take another single boarder. Ted, you take Velma and Maud, and be careful not to divulge any club secrets; Jan

o Jane's gray orbs that asked

aside. "You're a dear. L

and laughter, and the voice of Jane Allen defied t

ssured Judith, but the latter stu

tings. "But I'll wait till the picnic winds up. Did you ever see

be a glorious year for us. We are still juniors!" and Jane trailed off to find her place in the long line that was a

m every hill into every grass lined hollow, and if the new girls doubted the spirit of comradeship they were to be favored wi

ng corridors died down to a mere trail of sound, that Ja

to tell me," d

uldn't," re

ey. This afternoon was almost a failure, j

Jude. What an abomina

." Judy might now have been charged

ne, "and if there's anything on my cons

eyes was suddenly changed to int

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