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Jeanne of the Marshes

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1502    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

heon and declared herself to b

e and I like your chef. I had my window open for at least ten minutes, and the sea air

ay. I will guarantee that life is sufficiently simple here for any one. I have no neighbours

sea almost at your front door, and I adore the sea. If y

t her with upr

he said, "no doubt w

y system required. I should like to sit in a comfortable cushioned seat and sail some

Lord Ronald remarked dril

nchanted with the place. She's had adventures already, and been rescued from drowning by a marvellous person, who wore his trousers tucked into his boots and fo

ur feet very wet

e your shoes,"

I insist upon it. We will not play bridge until after dinner. My luck last night was abominable. Oh, you needn't look at me like that," she added to Cecil. "I know

nd gave him some instructions, "I had no idea that

iously thinking of going shrimping. I suppose there are shrimps here, and I s

ke to try the golf links. I believe there

ess shook

with plenty of cushions, and we will try to catch fish. I know that Jeanne will love

ers. There is a boat in the village which we can have. I will have it brought up to our own quay in an

dedly. "I forbid them. We are going to lounge and look at the sea

ugged his

d. "Whatever happen

a multitude of cushions, with her tiny Japanese spaniel in her arms, and a box of French bonbons by her side. J

ly would not have trusted myself to such a party. This sea air is hateful. It has tarnished my cigarette-case alread

wn at him a litt

e remarked. "Next year I am going to buy a yacht


id. "You have such queer tastes. I shall ne

leap year," Jea

ng uncomfortably over the side of the boat. "I say,

nd to have one's digestion unmercifully interfered with like this

of you. You are both of you knights of the candle light. I shall get some great strong f


e Princess, "is having a terribl

t a bonbon into the languid j

ve set this fashion. It was a whim, and I am ti

eanne, still standing in the bows, was gazing steadfast

pointing it out to Cecil, "to

ed at her

r," he said, "and I don't suppose we could get

lder woman, "there is an island just ahead of us with a delightful looking cottage. I believe my p

t her cushions. "I should love to see him, and tea i

ng steadfastly at the whitewashed cottage upon the island

't suppose there is any one to get us tea. He would onl

iled refl

o embarrass Mr. Andrew. However, if you like we will

condition at any

that you show us that subterr

you will find it only damp and mouldy and d

ed her lips as she watched. She took out her handkerchief and waved it. The man for a moment stood motionless, and then raising his cap, held it for a moment above his head. The boat sped on, and very soon they were out of sight. She stood there, howeve

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