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Jo's Boys

Chapter 4 DAN

Word Count: 5718    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

y-five he was very tall, with sinewy limbs, a keen, dark face, and the alert look of one whose senses were all alive; rough in manner, full of energy, quick with word and blow, eyes ful

'Mother Bhaer', one strong brown hand in hers,

my good luck that I didn't stop to fix up, you see; though I knew you'd think I looked more like a wild buffa

ny in spite of the big beard and flowing mane. They will all be here soon to welcome you; so before they come tell me more about yourself. Why, Dan, dear! it's nearly two years since you were

ed with the care of a lot. It's the fun of the thing coming to me, and my being able to give away, that I like. No use to la

nd invest your money; don't give it away, for rainy days come to all of us, and dependence would be very hard for you to b

room as if he already found it rather conf

rn like me? Women like a steady-

and daring, free and romantic, is always attractive to us womenfolk. Don't be discouraged; you'

asked Dan, with a glimmer of mischief in the eyes that rested on

a prospect of it?' and Mrs Jo peered at him with the in

s Ted calls it. How is the boy?' asked Dan, skilfully turn

a vent for their joyful emotions in a sort of friendly wrestling-match; in which both got worsted, of course, for the hunter soon settled them. The Professor followed,

e figure framed in the dark doorway, and paused to look at it. Bess paused also, not recognizing her old friend, and quite unconscious of the pretty picture she made standing, tall and slender, against the soft gloom of the summer

hought it was a spirit,' answered Dan, looking down

ess looked up with girlish pleasure at the picturesque figure before h

dignity of her teens, let Dan catch her up and kiss her like a child. Not till he

e to play with? Here's Ted going it like a beanstalk, and Bess a young lady,

etty contrast, these two young cousins-one as fair as a lily, the other a little wild rose. And Dan gave a nod of satisfaction as h

him back and keep an eye on him, or he will be slipping off for

rlour to receive a scolding from Josie for getting ahe

ot a splendid idea! You are just the thing for Arbaces in The Last Days of Pompeii. We want to act it; have the lion and the gladiators and the eruption. Tom and Ted are goin

Dan's adventures-told in brief yet effective manner, as the varying expressions of interest, wonder, merriment, and suspense painted on the circle of faces round him plainly showed. The boys all wanted to start at once fo

culation is a dangerous game, and you may lose all you've won,' said Mr Laurie, who had enjoyed the

try farming out West. It's grand on a large scale; and I feel as if steady work would be rather jolly after loafing round so long. I can make a begin

ed; and those who knew him best guessed that he had learne

ow where you are, and can go and see you, and not have half the world between us. I'll send my Ted for a visit. He's such a restless

nce out there; but the Speranza mines sound rather jollier,' said

ou will want a newspaper very soon, and I like the idea of running one myself much better than gr

nd very quick to see and choose the best,' added ever-young Mr March, beholding with his proph

sting in a few prairies and cowboys myself,' said Mr Laurie, always ready to h

hat I can do, but I thought I'd consult you before I decided. Have my doubts about it suiting me for many years; but I c

seem dreadfully small and stupid,' said Josie, who much preferred the romance of t

what a good study in black and white Dan would ma

saw in Europe to paint. Even prosaic pumpkins are grand out there. You can play Cinderella in one of them, Josie, wh

in the project and begged Dan to lose no time in beginning his experiment. Bess also confessed that studies from nature would be g

ays eager for fresh enterprises. 'I shall be ready by the

't like them, 'specially young and pretty ones,' put in Tom, who was r

only energetic young people will go there. But accidents will be frequent, owing to wild cattle, fast riding, Indian scrimmages, and the recklessness of Western l

s soon as I have a roof to cover you. I'll scalp a few red fellows or smash up a dozen or so of cowboys for your special b

all muscle.' And Nan delivered a short lecture with Dan's sinewy arm to illustrate it. Tom retired to the alcov

g to get up the glum expression proper to the business. Don't forget him

came out from his brief eclipse

of yellow fever, smallpox, and cholera that arrive; then Nan will be

lub is there, and a most ardent thirst for philosophy. Everything from the East is welcomed hospitably, and new enterprises would f

one except naughty Ted smiled, and Dan made haste to u

m all they want. I call that a damned shame!' Dan stopped short as the oath slipped out, but his eyes flashed, and he went on quickly: 'It is just that, and I won't beg pardon. If I'd had any money when I was there I'd have given every cent to those poor devils, cheated out of everything, and waiting patiently, a

excited by the energy of his words; and all felt that little thrill of

at once; for misfortune was much mor

a play, 'and take me along to help. I'm just r

to people his as yet unbought prairies with Montana Indians, and increase hi

e Dakotas, and other tribes in the Northwest, telling of the

s as good a friend as a fellow would want; saved my life more than once, and taught me just wh

one honest agent among many could not do much, and noble as the effort would be, it was wiser to think over the m

ll of it. The fact is, there's so much to be done every where that I don't know where to catch on, and half wish I hadn't any money,'

that gets hold of you. I'll turn it over while you are prospecting, and hand it back when you are ready

e, keep it to help some other scamp as you helped me. This is my will, and you all witness it. Now I feel better.' And D

k, nor how nearly that act was his last will and testament; and while Mr La

y was a j

o, boys, y

rudged her

o, boys, y

sailed the

ul was unt

o, boys, y

od to see the latter beam at his friend as he nearly shook his hand off; better still to see how Dan gratefully remembered all he owed Nat, and tried t

a flock of night-loving birds. Mr March and the Professor retired to the study, Meg and Amy went to look after the little refectio

or scattered, but these seven boys and four girls are my especial comfort and pride. Counting Alice Heath,

ut others, I think we may feel pretty well satisfied so far,' answered Mr Laurie soberly, as his e

y go,' sighed Mrs Jo. 'They will grow up, and I can only hold them by one little thread, which may snap at any time, as it has with Jack and Ned. Dolly and George still like to come back, and I can say my w

ttle cherub

or the life o

e of your strengthening influence; and Dan is still un

entleman of him, and who knows what he might become here among us,' answered Mr Laurie, leaning o

asy life in a city would bring him. We can't change his nature-only help it to develop in the right direction. The old impulses are there, and must be contro

o she bided her time, studying him meanwhile, glad to see all that was promising, and quick to detect the harm the world was doing him. She was very anxious to make a success of her 'firebrand' because others predicted failure; but having learned that people cannot be moulded like clay, she contented herself with the hope that this neglected boy might become a good man, and asked no more. Ev

and if the farm plan loses its charm, he can fall back on poor Lo, and really do good out there. He's unusually fitted for that peculiar task and I hope he'll decide to do

leaned forward to listen, as exclamati

we can ride it. Dan, you are a f

an play Namioka, if the boys act Meta

ious, Dan, why did you bring such a h

she keeps on making namby-pamby gods and pet kittens,' answered irreverent Dan, remembering that when

us of you,' said Bess, indignant at the insult offered the gods of her idolatry, but to

e rest do? Too rough for you?' asked Dan, trying to assume the

eauty and art of the world is there, and a lifeti

I could show you things that would knock your old masters higher than kites. Better come, and while Josie rides the horses you can model 'em. If a drove of a hundred o

on Capitol Hill. Please don't abuse my gods, and I will try to like yours,' said Bess, beginn

y before they go scooting off to foreign parts, as if the new worl

amed of America that she isn't ahead in all good things,' cried Nan, who held advanced vie

tion, and call names, and never agree. Do let us be quiet and happy t

ole concern. It's going to be as free as air, or I can't live in it,' said Dan, adding, with a

to be an old fogy; so I stir her up; and next fall she will go and vote wit

an, using the old name as if he like

me with me. She is my better half still; and I don't mean to leave her behind in

tie; and his lonely youth seemed sadder than ever as he recalled its strugg

and so cosy to have someone glad to lean on a fe

ly, this allusion produced a laugh, which Nan increased by wh

r pellets, and your dyspepsia will be all right. T

sweet things you ever give me.' A

pluck out a rooted sorrow?" quoted Josie

s, and cavort round the world a spell, and you'll soon forget you've got a h

u up, and a stiff north-easter blow your blue-devils away

ur Nancy fr

ns a jac

our sails fo

a maid mo

ng to cheer every care and sorrow, a

loma. I'm not going to grind three mortal year

waited on the boys, to save confusion; now the young men flew to serve the ladies, young and old; and that slight fact showed plainly how the tables were turned by time. And what a pleasant arrangement it was! Even Josie sat still, and let Emil bring her berries; enjoying her young lady-hoo

our; and you will have

unger, he gave the plate to Daisy, a

, Demi piped, Dan strummed the old banjo, and Emil warbled a doleful ballad about the wreck of the Bounding Betsey; then everybody joined i

w up from the hayfields, and brought the breath of flowers from Parnassus; and

ht have come. Imagine the shock when, instead of some interesting

hing I cou

downfall of her hope

room; but don't se

equel of that boyish frolic touched his heart; for he stooped and kissed he

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