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Resisting Her

Chapter 4 Lost

Word Count: 1911    |    Released on: 06/05/2021

nt to realize his Mas

eside him cursing"D

did she outr

n fast. What should

Sorry bro why do you think we're chasing after her? She's a thief, a drug dealer, and much more

he scruffy one amongst them spoke"Did you

we weren't able to get her, someone will deal wi

guys left, their words kept ringing in hi

led the police, gave them the plate number.

ed while smiling like a clown whe

rakes. That voice... Why does it sound familiar? With my heart poundi


n't putting on shades this time around but I know it's him. Even in my stupefied state, I mentallymarveledd a

fferently "Hmm, so, not only are y

? You're calli

t of my

h hey! You sneaked into the car when that man walked outright?" I nodded like it makes sense despite knowing he


all the cops" he

. I don't know why but I just do. Maybe it's the fact that I've witnessed what happened to Lucas's brother, my

ne rang– startling me. "Oh shit!" I quickly tur

ething" the police officers said then I heard t

me. That bastard!! He dared called the cops on me. H

his head. "You're not my type. Secondly, you're too young. Thirdly, I

e beating the hell out of him when he sa

I opened the door and was about

er asshole" With that, I ran away

? I have a feeling that the guy will jail me for no reaso

. It was a useless prayer of course! they came after me. I had no choice but to run further into the

understatement. Just... what kind of st

n the ignition. My heart almost jumped out of the

k are you?!"

rposely mentioned cops to scare her away

dare threaten me, do you know who I am..." She

t n

towards me and stopped

et the hell away from me!!"

ad chest, then my muscles which were sturdy and firm– thanks to

er to the door. Why is she checking me ou

nknown reason, my heart skipped. Why do I feel li

omb before I fini

you, be my


boyfriend even if it's for one mon

e known, you're one of those girls..." I shook my head"what makes

meone like me? What

me something, how old are you? Ar

adult now. What does that have to

too young. Thirdly, I hate stupid girls like yo

be heard in the small space. I opened my mouth to continue b

hocked the hell out of me. Is

crime... Or did she? I won't b

ed to stop her but she's already gone

ung master Kian, are you okay? We tracked your

ost around here somewhere, we were together and she got

ter, I'll send out the

mug in my hand when the police called.

m I'm the sorry boss bu


in other to get over what Az said. I can't believe she fooled all of us. From

We've never given her a chance to get close to guys. Well, you can't blame us for that, she's our little princes

me which got me thinking. What

ink of that? I know Az wouldn't come up with rubbish if it isn't important. Fuck! I n

eded at the office tomor

"Is it u

tors will be coming over and

ke the next flight first thing tom

For years now, I bought a company and was operating on it,

f his small companies but it's not just my thing. I want a big company of my own, one I could proudly boast of. I think It's high time I

relocate there and focus on being the CEO o

out once he got home. I headed to

it, man! Why are y

now where

out hours ago but sh

pm "She went out? Hold on, are you guys not

iend. Anyways, I won't be spending the night

ends cause of his looks. I wonder who

o Azar where the hell is she? Cou

phone and began

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1 Chapter 1 Bad news 2 Chapter 2 Boyfriend Hunting 3 Chapter 3 Got blessed with a car 4 Chapter 4 Lost5 Chapter 5 Pregnant woman6 Chapter 6 Reporters7 Chapter 7 Don't go please, I'll behave8 Chapter 8 Dating site9 Chapter 9 Drama Queen 10 Chapter 10 Watch them fooling themselves 11 Chapter 11 Intimidating brothers12 Chapter 12 How they met13 Chapter 13 Feels like this is just the beginning 14 Chapter 14 She didn't add something inside, did she 15 Chapter 15 The games – part 116 Chapter 16 Will you accept my apology 17 Chapter 17 Angry kitten18 Chapter 18 The games — part 219 Chapter 19 Not a virgin, are you 20 Chapter 20 Hands off my boobs!!21 Chapter 21 Crescent Moon22 Chapter 22 My girlfriend is bleeding!23 Chapter 23 The interview24 Chapter 24 Burn down the house25 Chapter 25 Are you cheating on me 26 Chapter 26 The pills27 Chapter 27 Feels like rape28 Chapter 28 Strip29 Chapter 29 Morning work out30 Chapter 30 Can she do it 31 Chapter 31 First day in school 32 Chapter 32 Let's get drunk33 Chapter 33 The business meeting 34 Chapter 34 Jealous 35 Chapter 35 What the hell is going on36 Chapter 36 Never done this before 37 Chapter 37 Bad Haircut38 Chapter 38 Took the initiative 39 Chapter 39 The video 40 Chapter 40 The truth41 Chapter 41 There are two of them 42 Chapter 42 She'll be staying with 43 Chapter 43 Feel betrayed 44 Chapter 44 Won't let her steal my man45 Chapter 45 You can't lock me in!46 Chapter 46 Girls outting47 Chapter 47 Kidnapped48 Chapter 48 Escaped49 Chapter 49 The surprise 50 Chapter 50 It's over!51 Chapter 51 Marry me,Jaz52 Chapter 52 Maybe you're pregnant 53 Chapter 53 Time to find out the truth54 Chapter 54 Aria's date55 Chapter 55 Azra is pregnant 56 Chapter 56 Uncle 57 Chapter 57 Two can play this game58 Chapter 58 It's all your fault!59 Chapter 59 Bonus