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Chapter 5 Answers

Word Count: 1062    |    Released on: 21/05/2021

y from the streetlights but still close enough for him to watch the house without attracting too much attention. After leaving the car park, he had waited for C

nstant and intense attracti


deep he could drown or the way her dragon tattoo crept over he

r prot

he was watching her. She turned and walked out of sight, and for the first t

n’t le

sture in his stubble. His entire right forearm was drenched with rain. C

uck was I p

ven realized he had opened the car door

like a fucking faery on


rong with me? I cou

macking himself upside the head, he raced the car towards his hotel. He barely ga

wrong with

. What? Are

don’t.” Covering his face with his hands, he tried t


e panic in Sa

ier today, and I saw…” Covering his mouth with his hand, he blew out through his finge

been replaced by concern as Sarah

n. I didn’t know what to do. I had

voice was forceful with a hi

t the need to ask, but as his jaw dropped, all he could think of was the feelings boiling in

d her home

ou le

n I left.” He lowered his eyes as t

id you feel w

ways been a hard-headed bastard when it came to women. Nobody ever got close. He refused to give them a chance, b

ripping my

g to be ashamed of. Nothing at all.

I don’t have a m

l wolves have on

ship,” he said. The thought was absurd. He knew the Goddess paired mates and that th

a faery princess bein

Wolves took humans for mates all the time. Aiden locking his heart away didn’t stop him fr

” he said, looking directly at Sarah, bu

don’t, honey. It’s fate. You can’t change it or stop it, no

the words had even left his lips.

ded to know, I kept things back. Nothing concerning you, honey. Personal things.” Sarah’s inhalation was dee

of us could do anything about it was torture. That pain never goes away. The feelings never go. He will always be part of me and I of him, like you and the woman you saw. Yo

gine a life like that. There

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