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Unconsummated Fire

Chapter 3 Fate And Unforgettable.

Word Count: 541    |    Released on: 08/05/2021

s Cont

once again, my heart ache terribly at th

if not then why am I feeling downtrodden and a

...” said the presiden

sn't formidable so he came to make it fate and u

me. But then only smiled and scratched his hea

in front of a commoner I should

hy are you not speaking man

honor meeting you once again, I wouldn't want to speak to you about whatever I thought I knew abo

ch and Frank stepped out of

o be the oth

o you have to say abou

t been friends with her, she doesn't

's do this again, my name is E

confusion but he soo

n, it's nice meeting you

d gave my card to him, t

ment and Enoch had his mouth gaped

o surpris

uess the president must have bewitched you for yo

be friendly that's a

here, let's get go

ed that I attended the graduation congregation and I promised them I would try all I could to make it. I took a taxi to where my convoy was waiting for me. It might surprise you but don't be after all

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