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Chapter 3 Stranger

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 08/05/2021


were off to the University Of International

the country that had to do with Cinemato

ur rooms. I was so happy. Keisha and I settled in the campus apartment given to us, whic

is so

ling. I then t

tled, what do we do

ce. Other freshmen ar


? Most of the students were adults and that kind of made me a little nervous. Howe

as with me, and so I stuck to h

was vast. We even passed through the fraternity quarters and saw a lot o

nne." Keisha cooed, looking at the dif

r not think about boys?" I

laughed and

as you." I explained, "It always a good thing to come out of

that, because I really hope y


see wit


re the huge campus, admiring th

It wasn't my fault . This was new liberty to m

honey." Kei

happy that–" I cut my

ken, I realized that I'd almost been knocked down by a race bike. Th

eather from head to toe a

y asked rudely, without

ess. Was

asked in

where you go? What if I'd knocked you down?" he

u could clearly see me at a distance but you chose to be blind and try to k

ok his

immature and rude." he s

I'm twenty, for y


ing." he stated dryly a

alking back and defending myself, for once. I surprised my own self, too. I never t

l. Beautiful grey. He had a silver piercing on his right brow. He looked rather rugged alrigh

t surprised?

, you're something?" his voice annoy

er!" I retorted

find better? Oh ga

d, "Is that suppose

it. I officially lost the

frowned. I wasn't us

lder than K

twenty years of age are something. And since y

replied, confide

are, "I bet you just got your highschool diploma and you're here to enroll as freshman. I won't be surprised

nd I knew I'd g

makes no sense to me

or not. I say what I want and it isn't

ed myself

ning to me today. I

st out laughing. I expected hi

covered his eyes with the helmet cov

!" I said angrily. He ignor

turned to Keisha a

bastard. Though we s

ed to spoil my day but

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