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The Devil's Apprentice


Word Count: 822    |    Released on: 11/05/2021

red, so much so that the whole world w

oaking and soiling Emmanuel's dark, blue suit. It moistened his

and around him were people, sho

s didn't happen everyday, in

g like water

dream com

screaming like th

like if the blood touched t


wanted them covered in the same blood they were

es, beneath his control, beggin

mbling, screaming, crying, he wanted

at it, contemplating whether he should take them or not. Their liv

a sick smile, he brought it to his l

be his fir

eone who'd scream

anuel and with a strong hand, he grabbed at her

o meet his expressionless one

ds ceasing to escape her lips and Emmanuel knew for a

iver as Emmanuel ran the knife along her soft, flustered

elody that she had him rocking and stom

until all that was left of it was a sh

body limp as he dropped her

d people watching him with terrified eyes

t, for indeed he succeeded at not j

but it was now time fo

h gleaming eyes as the idiots tried to run bu

eel the need to make them suffer, not anymore instead

mpers, their cries—he didn't want to hear a thing that e

them down, killed them




eed and breathe th

lost in the blade, lost in the blood and what

er place unable to move or breathe.

heavily with his flooded boots and his blood drenched clo

lacing the knife at her throat and whil


assessing his house as if it was unf

dire need of watching that wo

him as if it was his dream, but as he e

it couldn't be attained at all and it was all because o

g and whoever it w

for on the caller ID was the name Luci

ng ba

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