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The Billionaire's Virtuous Slave

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 994    |    Released on: 11/05/2021


a killer." I s

nd he said he would just answer that, and I had to stay h

something else came to my mind, and this was to run a

ve to leave here." I said to m

king. Fortunately, I was able to hide on the side immediatel

painting. They are exempted, of course. I immediately ran to the door. Thankfully, I g

was open. This is already a sign that I am not destined to live

mmediately pulled out their guns. They pointed it at me. They are like damn stupid. I have n

tioning for me to give up. They were

ss!" shouted one of the guards. "We have no intention of hurting you,

t care,

d with a hard one on my back. I smell a familiar scent, his manly scent. It

One more thing, can you calm down your guards? They are point

n a problem to me." h

n a problem to me." h

hing." I explain. I waved at him, faked a smile, and then turned around. I was about to walk away when he suddenly placed his hand on my shoulder. Th

serve me, to become my slave," he explained. "You ca

I asked him. "Hell, I do not want to be here, to b

not want me to lock you inside a room so you can no longer escape again. As I a

I will imprison you for your accusations aga

you can," h

ready holding both my hands. I will follow what he wanted me to do as long as he will not trea

ust followed them until they bring me to the room again. They opened the roo

to break the silence between us. I do not k

answer. "How did y

ful Silic," he said. "By the way, I'm Wim, the personal assistant of

e has any intention," he said again. "We'll just come back here later,"

to open the door, but it was locked

st stupid that happen in my life. Oh God, please counsel me on the right path and gu

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