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The Hot Mafia Billionaire

Chapter 3ย Fatima Consuela Perer

Word Count: 1499 ย ย ย |ย ย ย  Released on: 13/05/2021

fat but Fat is the nam


. Fat but not fat. in fact she is se

t buy five

g lady. Will stopped wit

Ambo. I really don't want to eat the food you cooked. Its ugly

cle Oding is her moms favorite and sh


job because it's hard for me to do laundry with Rosario.

have a job you don't get angry wit

ill have this

y, she's with her mother. Her father? Okay, t

p beautiful even though their lives were like that. She has a mother who works h

r. Even her mom was talkative at times, she loved her mother dearly. She was able to support

unlike his father. He just really hard to find a job because he can't read. She's making drama just to

t, but yo

hat are you goin

he hates the most. She will only eat soy s

y ri

rner Ma, they're looking

l grade 12 that's all you're going to let in


le because of her moth

want me to get c

ink anything. Cleft chin

small establishment there. In the sky valley. They need office

your father. Are

en. Look at your daughter

e got a job on Monday. I wan

said to her mother. As if her mother lo

bought at the dress seller. It's unfortunate if its buy to the

s two inches above her knee. She's always looks good in all clothes she wear. She just applied light make up for more things. She just left the hair loose. She

ima. You're

w immediately because its not that so man

n the secretary called h

Consuela Pere


he fact that she is very beautiful because she is also br

ve a seat M

ing and tha

me about y

ho interview

ume sir. There's all th

er informatio

bitter. It's better because it's


seemed to be wrinkled. It used to be a bit

eat it ag

ng. She was even hovered by him from

you Contribute to the p

have a job yet sir. I just graduated. Then

hould be the one you entered

hiring for c

as a talent as a comedian. It will be her first career, right

joke, so why does he like

I said I'll j

ave a desire for me? N

f her head to her toe and vise versa. He used to be a l

u lost y

out..get. o

ng. The man is bald. Not obvious ah! Nice pl

ou looking a

number is alrea

uickly get out. When she left, the mans secre

en she heard the secretar

ew has been cut off. Yo

f because someone has

! she's b

smiles. Too sure she has a job on Monday.

y !

a relatively large rock in front of her. She

re going to

ack, it landed on the front mirror of that very beautiful car. The color is tinted so she can't see the driver. It's really good th

w was cracked?

d not have a job yet. She took

alling her. But she knew he would never catch up with her. She is

ce was gone when she called, s

ey will thought that she is a thief. it w

tly that she was a thief? Isn't


d over confident. How could Antoine



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