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Emotionless Love


Word Count: 402    |    Released on: 01/09/2021

s name. "Froster, that name rings a bell but I

through her soul, the colour of his head is silver and

d as she felt h

e scanned through her face. And

e pointy canine,

turned her face, she doesn't want

later little bitch, sometimes you have to stop whinny and fa

n, his eyes are emotionless and someh

ool c

hout talkimgnto anyone, Hunter's word echoes in

's Hunter" s


Axel" an

, I can bite off Hunter

ey came towards her direction,

he said

on our way" Axel said grabbin

pulling her to his side, not kn

are and it made Christy

r was holding. "Oh you bitch, like we haven't been beaten enough for today huh

that is filty!

aught most of the student attention

coming to give her a slap. But to her

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