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His Little Wife

Chapter 4 Quarrel

Word Count: 1103    |    Released on: 18/05/2021

Point o

as so bored that's why s

uhm, is there somethi

ave a grudge.

y, who?"

really not in the mood so Ana didn't asked me a

even more annoyed when I saw

I’m not listening as he discussed, I’m not in the

I was hungry so I went to the cafeteria. I was shoc

" I whi

em,but Kyle didn't look at me. His a

so I did not realize that I

—" I apo

. Tsk, is he gay? I didn't wa

ut two feet between the table where Kyle and his woman were sitting. I can see h

s jealous, so I just went out of the cafeteria because if

pain in my

na stopped me from asking as I p

ad and we don't have a cl

nt to wander?

ime, maybe.

was feeling bad. He didn't even send me a re

I was surprised when Kyle sud

are you here?

o let's go home together." I

tay with your Roxanne." I

chool. I'll just get the car." He chased me and even

outside the gate, like how he told me. I waited for him for almost

I should go home alone, because he's g

t. I'm his wife, and yet it is okay for him to let me


caught in my head because of the pai

hed to the wall and it also smelled like a man. I was nervous because this wa

picked up my scattered belongings. I looked at

by the rude guy I bumped int

" I asked hi

sn't it obviou

And what am

t you here because I

and left his house. Of all the people who can help m

caught him looking so bad at me. H

He yelled at me. I almost lost my balanc

ing out with someone else? Did you enjoyed his company—to the point

if cold water was poured on me. I g

y eyes bega

r you yesterday, and so I did, but you didn't showed up because you're with that woman—and now you're accusing

ng. It's because of the accusations

ne who was there to save me! Because where are you? You're with someone

there, I poured out all my resentment. Ho

d and cried

was no longer there to help me. The only person who makes me fe

is happening now. We weren't like this before, but now our situation is getting worse. It do


or the delay.

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