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The prince of sun

Chapter 5 Maternal incentive

Word Count: 868    |    Released on: 26/05/2021

lieving he was residing at the top of the world. And from there, he could contemplate the infinite horizons without end. That's why every morning at sunrise, he let his wings transport h

and unconsciousness in which he was immersed, this life of privilege and clarity that was offered to him at birth and that was more than enough, in the a

turning, they decided to take the boldness even further by flying until fatigue forced them to rest. The beautiful nightingale stopped last, he caught h

asked, suspicious

nswer ca

e you?"

nd in turn, alerted by the cry of their dear friend, became even more offended at the sight of this unknown. He was so frail and bony, his night-black plumage was of such a bad nature that it accentuated his thinness even more. They were all shocked at this desolate sight. So shocked that they wasted no time in ru

asked the singular creature a

thinking back, he did not hurt him, he was unable to do so, and the nightingale knew it. His delicate little claws, holding him weakly, he only wanted to prevent him from leaving, to keep him a moment to

ce of mind. He was soon haunted, overwhelmed by the brief memo

world in a bright pink. However this sentence came back in his mind, obsessing him until the dreams. That clear

on and lost sight of them. He went looking for them when a leaf revealed a

hey looked at each other in a deep and meaningful silence. The others came in

with you?" he

and unattractive. The nightingale didn't know what to say, but his friends were a

. My advice, look at your reflection in the water, if you dare. That alon

st contemptuous

ghtingale, who after a time of refl

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