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Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1896    |    Released on: 06/06/2021

e guard who failed to send

responded, h

alize your mistake? If Daniella was smart, we would have lost our

ed, "Yes boss, I'm sorry

hing. It won't happen again," Justice said solemnly. He pulled the tri

ut of events. To them, it was nothing new for justice. "This is what happens to anyone who makes a mistake. There would be no s


or and wailed like a widow. Regret replaying constantly in her mind.

virginity to this stranger?" Herty exclaime

iffed and

nd Herty was

ou do?" She aske

into the bin. Her eyes were red and puffy as s

ur sister? Where is she and how could she do this to you?" Herty

e right thing, right? At least s

re pure. You two were made for each other," Herty reminded Danica, completely ignoring her question. At Danica's state, she couldn't expedite the fa

. I'm not pure anymore," Da

you te

y from him. We weren't courti

go for confe

that. Maybe, God

e cab driver charged d

ll pay you back as

ful when picking a cab next time. These drivers take adva

my angel. I was barefooted and I don't know how long I could have gone in the cold, in this skimpy dress and my feet bare. Please lend

er at the shelter lat

to the bin, and said, "Maybe, after confession. There's ju

ng to continue c

treasured possession to a stranger.

go with you but the harm is already done. Crying

lled you. I just want to see Daniella change fo

told me," Herty insisted, as she p

en done. Thanks for the

ut on these slippers and I hope you have som

, "Sure. More than enough,"

om apartment to the parking lot a

nching on the leftovers in the fridge. Daniell

I didn't know," sh

at on the couch and listened to the twin sisters quie

looking away from Danica, who had strolled to

he remained expressionless. "You could

h a mouth full. Danica wondered how Daniella could still eat while sh

, but I would have still

ter's wrath when a newspaper fell from her hand. There was an

hat is that?" Dani

Daniella said expressionl

he chair. She calmed down and said, "but at leas

ed Ray in Russia. I was supposed to deliver some goods. I didn't know the content but it got stolen on the ship. I got up and they weren't there.

fifty thousand dollars. When I got to Mexico, I met Justice. I did so many things for him in exchange for money. When he didn't need me

as something I could do. He said there was nothing I could do because what he needed

pointed, "So Mr. Somo is the name of the man who slept with me?" Her voice was low. The discovery tha

ook you to the wrong room. So now, I've been given seven days to pay back the money," Danie

with but she also found a softness in her heart that sympathized with her sister. B

Seven days is so l

to take advantage. Her eyes widened in realizat

l thought. "I will talk

rch is small. Your offering on Sundays would not be up

hurch was the only place she had in mind. "So,

and said, "I n

at least given her an in-depth knowledge of Daniella's ways and she kne

urrogates and they pay very well," Daniella said, showing Danica the newspaper

asked, "You intend

eck. I mean, you," Daniella sai

s baby when I haven't had mine yet,"

omb. The procedure is by artificial ins

a, but I'm very

aged, and said rudely, "Wo

inute passed before Danica asked thoughtf

ital for registration tomorrow. They will call you for further quest

d with disappointment. After all, she was

upposed to be

Chantelle by your ID

n't changed. They are still the s

Danica s

succeed. That way, I can get the money for them," Daniella said and continued "I promise

o," Danic

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