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The Benefactor

The Benefactor



Word Count: 1641    |    Released on: 26/05/2021

Her strict aunty, Sera Tesoro-Andelev, is a woman who practiced Algebra like it will be the solution to the ever-growing population rate in the St. Clemente. The way her aunt clasp a Math boo

r! Does it still look proper to you?” Ginn

assroom before tugging her best friend inside. The whole class is now in the auditorium, having a grou

ed out, “The witch said she want you and her to be c

d her waist and grinned. “I've seen this in the movies. Step mothers wanting to trash t

olor that once had been bright now faded into gray. Jana remembered the excitement she felt when she stepped inside the school premises befo

to worrying. There was fatigue, then came disappointment. Now comin

. College will say hello, then I won'

What's Mine is now doing. ‘Did she manage to steal that evidence that will prove her innocence? Daniel

as, one could not feel the boring day.

xt time she asks me for a girl's night out where we can go

ered. “You

to get her bag from resting on the chair but one of the strap is stuck. Jana tugged harder, and a ripping sound was

een. Pay some respect.” Jana lifted her chin, asking for an argument. “

e asked, “Wasn't that the same as saying, ‘Gir

as is definitely the male protagonist type, but I'm not his leading l

horror. “What? That woman is

eir physical aspects were aligned wit

tely a great guy and you're pairing him with an empty vas

ongue, silently agreeing with the fact that Synthell could

uld make staying in hell a lot better than being with her for two hours. One second, she's

m is a drug addict. Jana had tried everything just to reign her best friend in. When Ginnie called ask

be knocking that girl down with

g her Aunt Sera about how vicious that girl can go. And although Aunt Sera is protective of her, she can't scol

will be the one who will change Synthell's attitude

peless. Shouldn't you just go and write a novel about

while now.” The corner of Jana's li

hat idea off

e place is too narrow. The houses are far with each other but people will still cross over the fence, intent on knowing what stuf

see the usual scenery of grass, waters

een a tiring, uninspiring walk. ‘I wonder how

have you seen this game? I th

ditorium. She can't help but smile at their expressions. ‘Despair lay withi

shrugged. “Lucas shared this app

t help but twinkle.

eah, well, I guess not? Tina was the one who's playing it in his phone. I just happen to take a glance on his scree

s, Kristof had been on the tiny side. Jana was accustomed in protecting him. Now in middle school, Kristof is even top second in the 'tallest men' in class. Lucas was the first one. Synthell made the list. G

s Transmigra

d name,” Jana commented,

ush. It was still frizzy. “Remember ‘Catching Zombies mak

pink font gently swaying and the purple background is absolu

thanks f

mly glued to the phone, Kristof went back to his se


're getting

d considering

another classmate. She sighed then reach her bag. Her aunt will make her read

ct the playe


accepts the term

their own business. Jana should feel like an outcast but instead she didn't. ‘I'm the school's walking trash can. U


coming sound beckoned her to look c

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