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Shallows Creek: Requiem Of The Guilty

Chapter 2 The Doctor Arrives

Word Count: 874    |    Released on: 02/06/2021

manor and outlying streets, on the scene a rather square jawed and wel

?" a gruff voice shouts out to

he day, he turns to see a stout man with commanding eyes and a lar

eems to have been a murder." the

d brought it down right on the man

. The constable reeling from the blow tries to steady himself but he is about to say something which may land him in

bright red like a tomato about to burst from sheer stupidity of that comment. Constable Bryant can see it's

ment to make fuss over this." Young growls to himself. No sooner had he finished those words a carriage

oor opens and the occupant

far it was almost touching the back of his neck, his face was thin but other then that quite plea

ls out to the inspector while walking towards

important things to do then bother us?"

kheart replies with

s the third murder this month and I feel they're is a conn

n searched t

rent shades of red by the second. "No

re a superstitious l

ust transferred h

bright." Inspector Young puffing o

e trouble counting to three." Lockheart smiling ear from ear at this point he loves to ruffle the Inspectors feather

irs to the door. Upon entering the manor Lockheart couldn't help but notice the awful décor the walls a rusty red

ung?" Lockheart asking trying to get h

nfluential individual with deep poc

lmed down a bit, his face r

slashed from ear to ear." The conversat

thing there w

erest. "A witness did she

et a word out of her it seems she was his maid, we f

t she refuses to speak." Young scratch's h

o was dressed in butler attire stood in the doorway his eyes s

es to him this is the

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