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Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte


Word Count: 952    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

for many years was to decide the fate of Europe. Napoleon and Wellington at length stood oppo

the Waterloo campaig

and Belgium in 1815

Chesney's Waterloo Lec

has been accepted by t

eir view; and Waterloo

our d'Auvergne (Paris,

the French m

gn the reader must gua

two different armie

ments are to be weighe

r were acting in a co

orps of the same nat

ed in the case of tw

o forces became one

or Prussian wing) havi

h at Ligny on the 16th

d to hold the position

) was to join it, and

s there is no questi

he English by their a

ssians by their resis

gallantly its part in

er have fought at Wat

of the Prussians. Had

the 18th of June the

reat peril of having

y, as the Prussians wo

nglish in full retre

s of the two armies

merits of the two Prus

ustrians until the o

resting personal acco

at opinions about the

apt to warp with the

has remarked in answe

d of the first day of

e man placed in the f

attack beaten off. He

of the wounded disapp

y's loss by seeing th

he thus believes in s

with reinforcements,

ggle, sees only the lo

ers, and perhaps of

ut being able to ans

ponding loss of the e

ng view of the situa

f men who fought at Wa

ions of what was takin

Thackeray's life-like

els must be overdrawn

eten began to retreat

of his aides de camp t

s in full retreat. "Th

p. 248, "had mistak

ing taken, to the re

ngly made a false repo

ir part or, sometimes,

hat at least two Engl

f Waterloo hardly fire


army as the worst he

s Peninsular men, the

the Duke, sticking to

man, trusting in and t

fficers and under his

know, the men knew how

ead told where each re


ghout Prussia, Austria, Russia, and even to the foot of the Pyramids, while Wellington, who had been early distinguished in India, had won immortal renown i

counter at last stopped the torrent of the ruthless and predatory ambition of the French, by which so many c

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