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Author: Nheeke

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 613    |    Released on: 04/06/2021

th beads of sweat on her

a little push ma’am.” the doctor gave a her s l

he woman wailed, screaming us

and the woman fain

octors there said feeling elated that the

here in

e felt strange vibrations all over his body as he rose his head up, h

e wall and went out of the cave. He followed the lig

rs twinkling round it like they were dancing. The l

ght stoped as it reached ward 119, then he heard a cry of a baby, some words

man and were wondering what a seer is doing here. The seer went towards the baby, chanted some words and k

ooking at the child with respect, he said the prophecy had come to pass, this s

, did he rebirth into our child ?” ask

your baby is not the same as

s ?” The mother

supernatural but after the last supernova, it was not given until now. So your child is the next supernova but there is a

cradle, holding her tight to her, visibly shaking. She looked at her baby wit

ods will protect her.” The father assure

e city for safety, she’s still a baby, she can’t h

thing to put your mi

so what shall

ou want to


r looked at the child and said

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