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Strange lovers ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Strange lovers ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–


Chapter 1ย (love after so much hatred)

Word Count: 5012 ย ย ย |ย ย ย  Released on: 06/06/2021

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os i really need it. I thought but gets


t wasn't intentional.. I was saying when she cut me shut with her insults. Mr man are you blind? She asked furiously, i said


at his company moving inside his o


se leading him to his office. Morning. He replied rudel


in? She asked. Yes let her in. I replied as she moves outside then I door burst open revealing the so called Silvia... Huh isn't this the lady that insulted me few minutes ago? O


gly face. I raised my head to see his face Lo and behold it was


schievously. Not at all. She replied lowly. So your actually trying to tell me your here to apply for t


what exactly is your name. He asked sitting on his chair as i joined him too sitting opposite him. Am S


here she will be done for when i start with her. I thought with a smirk on my face. Miss Silvia or whatever you call yourself this my company and you don't act


sorry boss. I said. Good. He replied with a smirk on his face. As my personal assistant you've gotten rules and regulations to obey. He said smiling mischievously. The first is you don't come to work after it's past seven, you need to be here at exactly seven


ike a lizard. Oh yeah i have a girlfriend whom i cherish so much and she will be coming over tomorrow. I even need a Maid cos


besides i will be paying you for it so don't think your working for free you know you've gotten a


fee and please make it snappy. I said and then she heads to the door buh was interrupted by me. H


ng hell for me. I mumbled as i entered the office with his coffee. Here it is. I said handling


fee not having any sugar in it and besides can't you tell me it was hot? Do you want to get my tongue burnt?


hot and besides your gonna have to drink it the way it is cos am sure it


realize you don't have regards for others. She said shocking me. Seriously you lack manners. She continued as the


llo pretty. I said smiling to the lady next to him. Hi handsome. She said returning the smile. Silvia out! I heard Jayden roar and am sure his p


ld try learning from your friend and stop acting like a monster. She snarled at me with gritted teeth as she made for the door when I stopped her. Can you repeat what you've just sai


st surprised that someone have the guts to insult you. Wow i love that girl. He said which got me pissed off. Ya


n't know what she have done. I need to make her pay for insulting me cos i don't want her trying any shits with treasure tomorrow. He said angrily. Wait did


ant to come spend time with you well am not even coming again. He replied surprising me. But why Tony why won't you come. Hope it's not cos of treasure. I asked.


Well I don't accept her. I said to him. You don't need to. She's my girlfriend not yours. He replied gr


Thanks. Well do you perhaps know what the boss girlfriend is like? I asked with curiosity. I don't like her one bit infact everyone here dosen't like her. She's so full of herself, she acts all bossy and she's a jealous


as having breakfast when a knock came at the door am sure it


her waist with a smiling face buh as she sighted me her m


opened the door and a lady at that and i must confess she's so pretty hope it's not

Please come in. She said again ignoring me


er who then walked in giving me a kiss. Your welcome hunnie. I said returning the ki


e boiling in anger. Buh you would have atleast informed me. I said to him giving him a fake smile. I know and am sorry. He apologized. It's okay.I said smiling pretentiously. Silvia.....he called.


utside as I heaved a sigh of relief and turn to stare at the so called maid who was seeing a movie. Gush what if I end up loosing Jay to t


I asked politely. Am talking to you and your still sitting down? She yelled pissing me off. I don't get. I fired surprisingly. I never kne


meeting you for the first time that's why am respecting myself but i don't think you need that respect and so you better don't try any rubbish with me otherw


ht as i moved towards her. Babe what's with that look on your face. I asked. You should go and ask that your dis


ilvia? He asked surprisingly. Who else. I said looking away. Am sorry babe I will talk to her. He rep


ilvia Who gave you the audacity to insult my girlfriend? I yelled at her angrily who in turn watched me s


uh i never insulted you. Hay just believe me. Why will i even insult her when she did nothing to me. I re


nd and you ought to treat her the way you treat me. So the next time she complains about you.


. I said smiling at her. You can't win over me am Jay's girlfriend. I continued as she moved towards me taking her steps slowly. Let's w


n. I thought as i heard the door bell rings as I moved out of the kitchen towards the door openin


ing a familiar figure. Oh my wow. She exclaimed. Your here again. It's nice seeing you again. She said smiling. Oh yeah i r


nd in doing anything she wants. I said. Hold on is his girlfriend here? He asked curiously making me to wonder why. Yeah


So you haven't seen me. Jay said. You know have seen you countless times so just let me stare at this amazing


lly referring to me. I thoug

ull off this building. Why don't you stand up yourself and

he's the maid so let her


see anything good in you. I heard Tony say as he stares at treas


inks. Lunch will be ready in few minutes time. She said. Okay Miss

ng room. Tony why can't you stop insulting my


you and you know my feelings dosen't deceive me. He said simply. Well it will this time around cos am certain she loves me. I


here to stay. Thank God i saw a smi


treasure interrupted me. Don't you know my name anymore? She asked Tony. Like your pretty. Tony said as he laughs mockingly. So yo


her when she interrupted me? She should learn not to interfer in other people's business. Tony said back a


re as she heads upstairs angrily. But Tony what was that. Jay asked me. What was what? Was i talking to her before she interrupted? I repl


smiled. Am Silvia. Silvia replied him smiling too. Wow nice name. Tony complimented. Silvia Wed's Jay. He continued surprising me. Your just so naughty let treasure hear that from y


come give me a massage. I said to her. You know what? I don't have your time. She replied back as she focuses on her phone. How dare you say that to me are you okay? I said wit


gly looking duckling like you? She said as i rolled my eyes at her. Excuse me puppy am not ugly an


ckingly. Babe why did you start in the first place. J


. Jay said. O... kay buh it's funny. I replied him. Serio


asked. Of course not am just asking a question. He replied. Anyways I'm not leaving tomorrow cos i don't


ing on my sleeve. I thought as i smiled back. Uhm Tony do you like that sauce? I asked tony. Of course who wouldn't enjoy it.


guts to insult me in front of jay . I thought as i stood up and moved towards her as she stands too. You mammal am gonna teac


u know your not worth it. Jay continued but instead she forcefully removed her hand from his grip


wrist angrily. She's the cause of it. She replied as Tony stood up. Man calm down you quite know treasure insulted her first. She was the one that cause


e out. Even if i don't have parents that dosen't mean am not someone. And warn your dummy girlfriend that the next time she tries t


pose to say? Fine. She said angrily as she stormed out of the house leaving me and Tony. Gush i love this. I heard Tony's a


Just get me treated first. She replied with a sigh. Not like am a nurse am I? I asked. Just do something to my face. She replied me. Buh seriously what h


to me. It's Jayden. I replied. Jayden? She asked surprisedly. Would you believe Jayden employed a personal maid? I asked her. So how did t


chers. She replied met. Seriously treasure your something else. I said to her. How? She replied surprisi


course. What else will I say cos your too jealous. Why are you so bent on frustrating an innocent girls life when she did nothing to y


to me. Just tell me. Is it that you don't love him or what? Coz I don't really understand you. I said to her again. Well that's your business an


annoying. I said to her. Seriously am telling you the truth. She replied. I don't care about that. My problem is with that trash of a girl. She's going to regret ever stepping her


heart today. I said as i brought out my phone and dials Daniel's number. Hope he's less busy. I thought in my head. H


and you still didn't pay me a visit. I heard her tiny voice. I know and am sorry about t

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