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Angel of Demons

Angel of Demons


Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

Word Count: 355    |    Released on: 17/06/2021

gels were not the best of friends, and they had their own differences. TIME led the team; he was patient and determined. PAIN was melancholic. In fact, she felt compelled to accomplish the m

He offered TIME to hand over PAIN as a bargain, but TIME refused. Instead, he took out his sword and prepared to kill the enemy. Unexpectedly, PAIN rushed to MISERY's side and threw her arms around him. TIME couldn't believe his eyes. PAIN revealed that

allowed only one angel whose foot had touched the earth to return to heaven. HUMAN was caught in a had to choose between TIME and GRIEF, and it was an extremely arduous decision for him to make since h

than you could bear, HUMA

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