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Chapter 1 The CEO'S BED WARMER

Word Count: 570    |    Released on: 08/06/2021



ffice on an elon

when my legs stumbles on p

asn't the first or second my secre

es swolling into the

" I gestured towards the scattered a

an it up now .", she b

d. You are fired "., I str

ecretary and get this asshole off my office

bed , I had an interview to attend at 11:00 am and It was 10:30 already, Who does tha

sing up to go to work . I was so angry at myself for waking up that late because the night

of those stalkers . I could be on Facebook for 5

ngs like this , I have wasted half of

dress and off to the road as I easily stop a taxi who quickly d

finally I got to the front of the Ve

ind that I was there for an interview . " are you Julia

ur interview , she said , " oh

was there for an interview . I couldn't hear all was

ance of getting a job , follow me, She said as she led

o the front of the door

to the Man who was backing us and starr

d waved her off and turned

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1 Chapter 1 The CEO'S BED WARMER 2 Chapter 2 THE CEO'S BED WARMER 3 Chapter 3 The CEO'S bed WARMER 4 Chapter 4 The CEO'S bed WARMER 5 Chapter 5 The CEO'S bed WARMER 6 Chapter 6 The CEO'S bed WARMER 7 Chapter 7 The CEO'S bed WARMER 8 Chapter 8 The CEO'S bed WARMER 9 Chapter 9 The CEO'S bed WARMER 10 Chapter 10 The CEO'S bed WARMER 11 Chapter 11 The CEO'S bed WARMER 12 Chapter 12 The CEO'S bed WARMER 13 Chapter 13 The CEO'S bed WARMER 14 Chapter 14 The CEO'S bed WARMER 15 Chapter 15 The CEO'S bed WARMER 16 Chapter 16 The CEO'S bed WARMER 17 Chapter 17 The CEO'S bed WARMER 18 Chapter 18 The CEO'S bed WARMER 19 Chapter 19 The CEO'S bed WARMER 20 Chapter 20 The CEO'S bed WARMER 21 Chapter 21 The CEO'S bed WARMER 22 Chapter 22 The CEO'S bed WARMER 23 Chapter 23 The CEO'S bed WARMER 24 Chapter 24 The CEO'S bed WARMER 25 Chapter 25 The CEO'S bed WARMER 26 Chapter 26 The CEO'S bed WARMER 27 Chapter 27 The CEO'S bed WARMER 28 Chapter 28 The CEO'S bed WARMER 29 Chapter 29 The CEO'S bed WARMER 30 Chapter 30 The CEO'S bed WARMER 31 Chapter 31 The CEO'S bed WARMER 32 Chapter 32 The CEO'S bed WARMER 33 Chapter 33 The CEO'S bed WARMER 34 Chapter 34 The CEO'S bed WARMER 35 Chapter 35 The CEO'S bed WARMER 36 Chapter 36 The CEO'S bed WARMER 37 Chapter 37 The CEO'S bed WARMER 38 Chapter 38 The CEO'S bed WARMER 39 Chapter 39 The CEO'S bed WARMER 40 Chapter 40 The CEO'S bed WARMER 41 Chapter 41 The CEO'S bed WARMER 42 Chapter 42 The CEO'S bed WARMER 43 Chapter 43 The CEO'S bed WARMER 44 Chapter 44 The CEO'S bed WARMER 45 Chapter 45 The CEO'S bed WARMER 46 Chapter 46 The CEO'S bed WARMER 47 Chapter 47 The CEO'S bed WARMER 48 Chapter 48 The CEO'S bed WARMER 49 Chapter 49 The CEO'S bed WARMER 50 Chapter 50 The CEO'S bed WARMER 51 Chapter 51 The CEO'S bed WARMER