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Billionaire Ex Wife

Billionaire Ex Wife

Author: Euphoria K

Chapter 1 Divorce

Word Count: 1836    |    Released on: 11/06/2021

anda careened the name of her best friend, Daisy wh

ith Daisy about in this life, it is the outrageous

mouth to even it. She knows how much her time waste would agonize her dear friend, so she didn't waste as much time as she


one in a minute!" She returned im

le huff and went to lap against the living room leather cushion to wait. Kn

ight color to match her red short tulle. Fashion was something she could never flounder on, but if she

rted three weeks ago when Amanda returned from her dancing class full of exuberance about meeting a new lesbian partner and then she had

er watching her break apart the first time that happened but Amanda insisted, saying she wanted to be there for the new friend b

minutes before Daisy hurried out of her room,

for today you should be considerate with your fashion! Oh, Mother Mary..." She huffed and

rtment. "You know me well that there is no possible way I could have dressed lower than my standard just because I want to

siness after suffering a terrible divorce from her husband who accused her of cheating on him the first day she broke it to him

d he walked on and yet that very day he stood before her

ang herself to test his love for her, meanwhile, she was in her house sipping a glass of lemonade and in a frenzy, the poor man rushed bac

ning he left the house, and one week later after nearly suffering a miscarriage from thinking something ill occurred to him, their lawy

life after that and she swore come what may, she would never give her heart to another man, and if anything make

reminded her of Et


a deep breath as she tw

g, are you all right?" Amanda ven

ad. " I hope someday the husband of your friend d

found Daisy soothingly, "You have to learn to forgive eve

her chest as she scowled outside the plying car. "Sometimes you t

ssed with

again. I learned from my first. All I care about right now is to take care of mysel

p believing that someday, that man will come that

yet today she is walking down

ot to be with me. After all

"And here I am saying someday her husband would accuse

cked her arm. "You

y comes, she would finally be yours if her husband is a prick like my ex and i

for that day..." She trailed off as their l

en Daisy's mother got a contract in France then. Daisy's mother became close friends with Mrs. Anthonio, Amanda's mom and their k

in the same environment with their mothers. The first time Daisy found ou

ng lesbian porn and loosing herself gawking at a female anatomy, was actually not because she had interest in becomin

ated, who was always picking on Amanda. Daisy found it irritating and wanted to shun the g

estled in the arms of Amanda while devouring her sizable blossom in the female bathroom. They had dism

at one time falling in love with a man from their field and getting married. At least

a fashion designer, they both run their own line and take care of their kids while Amanda jumps f

and smiled, and Daisy said as though in prophecy, "Let's go crash a we

hurch showed they were late for the weddi

isy!" Amanda bemoaned. "This was

t's good to be hot. Now they will admire us rather than snarl at us." An unaffected

the officiating pastor stood watching them and then said, "Which of you have

t that wasn't the problem, the problem right now is that, standing before the aisle holding the hand of the brunette bride is none other than Daisy's ex-hus



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