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Falling in love with...

Chapter 10 Lily- A date

Word Count: 1171    |    Released on: 16/06/2021

when she opened the d

in the kingdom of Salone,” I said, and for s

ur food! ”, he says and tries to look at my face, b

, he asks and before I can

l night or can we start eat

e said something even if it is not wit

ll right? You have been avoiding me all night”, he tells me and I have to force myself to look at him and smile. ”Just tired. It's been a long week and I want to rest”,

finally breathe easier. Seeing him made me both uneasy and happy.

Lily's place, his phone starts ringing

ed my calls. Why are you

at… What happened in the hotel room won't happen again. It should have not happened i

she asks, laughing. ”No, Ella,

hy?”, s

explained to the woman. ”You, in love? I am jealous. Who is she?

lla! , and without awaiting the woman'

ss whom Luke dated. It wasn't like they were seeing each other. She felt terrible about being such a poor BFF. She stil

even makeup, something she rarely did, choose carefully her clothes, and went to wor

the office the m

you call? ” I asked as

but the moment he saw me, he

you. I have some things

ter Bellows. I know you are an adult, but he might be charming. Fuck! What I mean is that you

I could tell he was worried for me. Warmth spread through me, but, I reali

t half hour, we talk about the project and all the things we still have to do. I also call Luke’s manager to remind

om Matt's office only to find

, mister Bellow

was looking for, “ he, tells a

about. ”Could I do som

nvite you to eat lu

to do. The great event won't happen if we don't work,” I say to him, hoping he will get the message. ”Perhaps

ll me everythin

ork to do,” and

roducts and help Luke with the photos. Once we are, one,

w how you can do all those poses and look so c

ated, like always, “ he

glad to see you are back to your former self, “ Luke tells m

ke my

essed with the work,” I say to him not wanting to admit

second then he looked l

still in love w

and take a s

me?”, he asks me all of a sudden a

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