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Armageddon: Legend Of The Chosen One

Chapter 2 Hey, Catch Me, Not!

Word Count: 4542    |    Released on: 16/06/2021

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side the trunk. "Um, your dad will soon be within hearing range... " He was trying to say, but the girl on the other side of the call wasn't giving any attention to him as she had started ranting when, in their earlier conversation he had agreed with her on him having lots of ladies around and flirting

or not kicking them bu

for giving 'em your

tting uneasy as he was trying to keep his voice low and contemplating on going some

house, and maybe in your bedroom right now?" He could tell the girl was furious now, so

r the quest

s what I'm t

ay, speak u

r dad a

lly concluded to go back before he got wounded by two hotheaded Tumans who can a

k, um what's

seat in front just flung open and a white officer of the law came out of it,

ven too fast. "I was trying to... " Stefan frowned, looked at the man, awkwardly shook his head negative, and was gonna continue. "I

"Hi... Bob, ahh.." He held


which had been completely obliterated during a war between planets in space about 300 hundred years ago. Their involvement in the war was solely b


in his front belt holes. Stefan took two steps backwards, "uh, no. That was not even a girl at all." He chuckl

r." Stefan q

ffee sir!" He stood stiff and at attention. Bob took a sip. "Thanks for the coffee and we're partners you don't need to do that_" He paused, looking as if he had softened, h

n, he still managed to become a 2-star detective due to his intelligence, hardwork and Bob's connections within just two years. However, he had been to the events in the past as a kid, and had witnessed Bob participate and come out many times, victorious. He knew he couldn't underestimate the strength of this man who could practically lift a car singlehandedly! And could run some hundreds of meters in a speed equivalent to that of a fast moving train! Well, Tuma people each actually had one or two special abilities, but these were just advanced versions of human's(normal), only very advanced and were only obvious and known amongst them because theirs were variable. Bob had two; Speed and of course Strength. Stefan knew this, so he became alarmed when he threw the challenge. Probably, because he knew all of these or that he wasn't even qualified to enter the Police Annual Competiti

cup and started sprinting down the lane he had just come from, drinking all the way. He threw the cup away half-finished and increased the pace as if his life depended on the race. They

. The corner of her left eye caught the image of an escaping man-in-blue so, her wondering was brought to an abrupt stop as she turned her full sight towards the direction. " That's the cop?" She asked aloud. " Yes, madam." The man earlier seemed to be just a chauffeur to the woman. " Shall I go after him?" He was in the car now so he was looking at the woman behind him through the mirror. "Leave him be, we're late. Moreover, we don't

ear. Only the woman could hear him audibly at that moment. The driver couldn't really, either because that was her special ability or that the windows were wound up and the cop was talking out of breath. " ...Just come back already... okay? I couldn't catch you so... You get to keep the phone to yourself." The driver too heard him, though not so audibly since he had wound down his side of the window. But the woman could of course pick out the words. " Hmm, a Stefan, a phone..." She paused while thinking. " Didn't Lyla say she lost her phone two days ago? A pick pocket eh?" "Yes mistres

d to be on these streets at all, except on his own volition or while investigating. He looked up at the sky, it was getting bright. It was 6:06 am. And the street was lit. He chuckled at the memory of the events of the day before as h

ll of an ev


been on his case for eight months. And the time limit for holding on to a case before it got passed to a supposedly better detective was one year. Unless the case was handled by a top-tier detective like Bob, who could at most take one and a half years as his max. 'expanse'. Then he and his partner, if he had one, would have to be

he owner, in his seventies, was Bob's namesake or because the food there were actually more delicious. They were about entering the restaurant when Stefan suddenly grabbed Bob's arm and held him back silently. " There, he is one of Bante's men." Stefan nodded towards a man; a green beret, a pair of really dark shades, black jacket, and green pants were his attire. " His right hand man, I heard he is. They are in some sorta boy-on-boy relations

ng this when the woman got into a black BlueFerrari 200 and sped off. "So, we grab Bante's dick then." Stefan rubbed his hands together. " Not grab, follow." Bob said as the

hey started running too. He went through a corner, and they went after him. He ran across the road at a zebra-crossing, but they were slower. He got

t! Shit! Sh

after him. He's our first lead on Bante since we took this case... who surely has something on him, and surely not

know he's got

ned the department, he had been making Bob do some really dangerous crazy stuffs with him, and Bob couldn't agree more to the fact that the kid was surely a fearless and intelligent one. Although Bob would often times stop him from going into very dangerous situations, out of protection and care, but the twenty-two year old 'young devil' would always find ways to go alone and do the job. Which was why his promotions were always early, he was never due for one, in fact, it was never always his promotion time yet. But his accomplishments were really far above deserving so, Bob never stopped him anymore, he decided he'd always go with him instead. Either Bob thought about all these and agreed to chase or that if the checkpoint officers were experts, then Stefan w

e and Stefan got the keys. They started off with a great speed, the woman sighed heavily an

be...?" He brought his car up to it's fullest speed, but Stefan was never a slack. The chase was hot and it lasted for 10 minutes. The pressure from the Ferrari was overwhelming, it was as if the driver, Stefan could always predict the movements of the Black Chevromax so, it made the green beret guy crazy and, he lost control. The Chevromax got slammed hard against the high walls of the Great Tall Bridge, it swiveled and spinned hard, went up until it almost went over the lowest height of the bridge's wall and into the sea. Stefan applied the brakes when they got close enough to the ruin. He and Bob tried to get closer on foot but were suddenly brought to abrupt stop. Some men in blue uniforms and white caps came in their vehicles, a helicopter hovering above them. They were surrounded and arrested immediately and taken back to their station. The people who arrested them were the checkpoint officers, they'd been notified five minutes ago about two cars running wild arround the city. They immediately found out that the car ch


ding behind his group, smoking with one of his legs up against the wall, he was their boss probably. His supposed boys were talking to a small-stature man, who was obviously not one of them, in hush tones. Bob couldn't hear them distinctly. They started shoving the man and holding him down aggressively, as he was trying to get away from them, all the while still shouting at him. The man suddenly raised


the buildings. When Bob shouted something and dashed into the buildings, the man peeked. And Stefan sort of saw him through the mist. " What's up with Bob?" He mused, he knew Bob wasn't playing any games. So, he quickened his pace all the while ignoring the men trailing him a

walking, except for some cars on the tarred roa


r so he stopped peeking. He had already sensed another mind following behind him while he was trailing the cops, it was full o


had stopped running since he already got their attention, so one couldn't really tell who's faster anyway. He threw a punch but B


he continued blowing on his cigar. " Um, guys, I'm just here to have a conversation with ya... That boy, was unfortunately a scape goat. You don't run into things just because you're sure of one thing." He chuckled as he nodded towards the injured hoodlum and continued his walk. The one in the yellow jacket finally dropped his cigar, pulled out his gun and started walking towards Bob, his gang following behind. "Ho, hey h

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