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Ruined By The Bad Boy

Ruined By The Bad Boy

Author: Deviouz

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1928    |    Released on: 17/06/2021


coveries have been made." One of my two best friends, Shanley spoke the words in an enthusiastic tone. Ever since she and Paig

y eye Paige knowingly before pointing her index finger

re making me anxious" Paige mumbled the last part and kept us

ank and I did it." She said, blu

being straight to the po

ands made weird fast movements as she tr

to know what they were talking

jealous of how I was in the dark and the w

nd Paige had sex. You're officially the only vir

ed. Sure I was the most shy among the three but Paige was only slightly better. I couldn't imagine

ge declared and both of them sh

" I pouted, tryin

virgin in our grade Riley?" Shanley gave

." Zoe was the emo, the depressed kid, who'd been that way since sh

r took her virginity last year

uch a big deal that I was still a virgin in my senior year. That's not why I was a

s, it's disturbing." I pleaded before we were a

like the sound came from one of the large boxes falling from the back of the car. Someone was moving into the house next door? It had been up for sale

just like the rest of my neighbours-peaceful, not bothersome and not

such a big house." Shanley sighed as

nsane parties in here, I mean your parents are barely around anyway." She added

his was my house, I'd keep brin

that felt envious of my riches. My parents were the owners of an oil company that had branches in other continents but I did not

hing sad romantic movies. At 5pm both of them had finally left and

n to breath and prevent me from overheating. A black sports bra and short blac

re tight, revealing clothes. Sometimes they would even go to the extent of buying me the clothes they wanted me to wear but

d if it meant wearing oversized t shirts and jeans or loose summer dr

ht arm like I did every time I went for a run. I had created a playlist f

. I could barely make out any features but he looked shirtless with something steaming in his hand. My face im


thug? Does he know I was the only one in my house? Could he possibly want to steal something?

y to associate anyone with a cigarette or joint to crime

safe than s

erson, or anyone else would try to get in and steal something. Or worse hide

e a while to find the keys to the house. It was only after texting my mom that I wa

ath the soil in a flower pot that contained a nice plant on the porch.And with that I took

was time to turn back. Something was off about the eveni

work that I needed to do, returning earl

uscle shirt standing by a car that had its boot open. It was at that same house where the new

as I noticed the raggedy black hair

ssible, something didn't seem settling with him

best shot at getting away from him. And if he did notice me and decide to call

ost successful in my attempt until I tripped on one of my shoe laces and nearly fell face first. My h

ays told me to never r

I imagined were there. It was hard to get up and as I kept trying to shift my legs fr

e some help." A deep voice

and was extended from looking at the

es contracted and hurt the wounds. He set me on my feet before turning me around and rubbing some dust of

m where he was bent over and nothing coul

ublesome boy in my school who had been rumoured to be a me

ou?" He looked offended, his transition and choice of words conf

n apology and ran up to my house as fast as my throbbing legs could manage,

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