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Yes, I'm Straight. But What Have I Done Wrong?

Yes, I'm Straight. But What Have I Done Wrong?


Chapter 1 : Story -8

Word Count: 1396    |    Released on: 21/06/2021


s, one coquettish and the other domineering. Back in high school, his two brothers were in l

or instance, watching an unpopular movie, they chose three seats like this: in the sparsely se


bed for some 'unknown' reason and was too lazy (exhausted) to eat breakfast. Domineering Guy would always persu

fers to go to the dining room! I can also ask him to bring my meal

rean Food near school. When Domineering Guy heard this, he said to Coquettish Guy that this wouldn't work out as during lu

a series of actions, from wearing overcoat, taking the wallet to g

y died away in the wind. After three seconds, he


At the time, Straight Guy was confused by their behaviors, therefore he asked them why they sat so closely. Domineering Guy

led immediately and took his big fan brought by his parents out of the cabinet enthusiastically, say

twitched the cor

ially bought for him would break down so quickly and frequently in the dormitory, and dormitory alo


still sat on the bedside, confused and a little bit angry. Quite surprisingly, Domineeri

was confused, "What! What! Why

glanced at Domineering Guy instead, his eyes full of implication. Domineering Guy p

mineering Guy, he said, "OK! OK! Give you a chance." Then his head w


to him; however, the position beside the next seat was occupied by others. Onl

y saw the three seats, smiled and sat beside Straight Guy after putting t

he could not sit next to Coquettish Gu

mineering Guy, "Bro, let's change seats. The air co

for being such an inconsiderate friend who did not even real


rsity together. When Coquettish Guy and Domineering Guy made the deal, Straight Guy was at th

uy's, Domineering Guy nodded earnestly, as

ved, so promptly he placed his hand over theirs, declaring in a

r head at the same time and stared at him for


ss to play basketball. As a boy, sweating a lot after playing

time. Straight Guy wiped perspiration with the corner of his shirt

s stopped by D

at's w

's so embarrassing to meet h

e are brothers. Never mind such trifles. You

eady run away before he

nged clean clothes, and Coquettish Guy who came after class. He looked at his brothers and smelled himself, th


m three in the dorm

dhood. Domineering Guy wanted to live alone with Coquettish Guy. However, at that time, b

uy on the name list and said to his father, "This guy is the top one in our class. He also looks nice. Let him live wi

boy who loved study, therefore, he agreed the request, helping his son to live in a room of three.

stantly, dispelling a bit

Guy saw Domineering Guy sleep on Coquettish Guy's bed,

quilt. I have to sleep with him." What a good r

didn't you say it earlier? My mom prepar

h Guy kicked Dominee

y. On the first day, he already hel

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