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Elena, The Werewolf

Chapter 3 Silvia Nicholas

Word Count: 2041    |    Released on: 18/06/2021

at moment, her worst fear

and was shocked to

this about guys?

can humiliate us and walk

mber asking for an explanation on wh

re fooling us here

am surprised we're been surround

ing? ". Darwin rage

pound as she knew Darwi

the crotch and he let out a scr

the collar but she kicked her on the

ng Darwin on the stomach causing him to f

ut a pen knife an

pounding so faster t

on the neck but she blocked it swiftly with

and drawing out her p

went past her head causing an

ckly and Sarah stumbled ove

t her with his heavy mass

me". Silvi

her forward that she collide with Darwin an

the wall and her l

h her head but she turned swiftly and g

d scream and she

the back but she hits her on the nose with her elbo

Elena said starring at her clas

. Silvia said cleaning th

we need to take them to the c

ds our friendship". Silvia said and g



ould be seen walking out of a mansi

r joined him with

". The

". He a

i didn't expect such mistake from you


er a werewolf with low grade

ier, i never knew it was the

foolishness. You're taking guns, when there are Fibre wire, the deco

smoke and then

they?". Mr.

een girls "

shouted taking the cig

ids only two kids, kicked your ass and yo

ne of them is an Alp

ho that is? Maybe Nicholas Daughters i

m and hang their heads on the tree of damnation ". Mr.

re we attacking

ffspring that dare return to Stardom.. We need to kill

ther". E

est men, we're movi



be seen reading a boo

as thought of what Silvia did

eople all by herself and there was

but she saved her else Sarah and

weren't back yet but Silvia and Elena were back

e thought Sarah was going to com

ming to te

indly come with me to the princi


whenever your attention was needed in t

and walked out f

the princi

each other bef

you've decided to turn my school into a

thing as she had final

making friendship with S

u Mr. Principal

red your fellow classmates and you sti

ding myself from some cr

dered where she got the courage from

now, huh?". The Pr

accused without evidence or don't I have

ons. You've sent three kids to the clinic, thre

eople who maltreats this girl like it's their

a Saviour huh?".

ilvia said and

laptop and placed it

footage sir". The

The principal said an

so you don't get to argue here. Maybe I need to show

idea, you should watch

fluential people or..... ?". He wa

t with a freedom o

ot to see how Sarah and her gang attacked the girls to

on for you to beat them

ke, we're sorry ".

lready to prove she wa

ort to a teacher and not retaliate, is

said while Silvi

tion for you Mrs. Anna will

uld have broken every bones in their body mis



walking into the wood

but suddenly halt as she pe

und but couldn

dy and visibility

yes and opening

scan the whole area until sh


rom behind the tre

u see me?".

trailing me?". S

ant me to follow you h

angerous, creatures roaming a

s putting you in dan

re around but had to tell you when I saw

ures? ". Si

was saying when Silvia heard incoming

o see an incoming a

e yelled and pu

her hand to a tre

e the man pulled it with the

amed and they to

hem sporadically

via swiftly placed a leg on a tree and ma

ow did you do th

hey stumbled over a log of wood in so th

laws and she forced it into the gr

Elena's hand and preven

many question

en were a

while her fingers where inside the ground to

the ground. The height of the cliff was great an

ear could dete

headed for the

hand while her other hand w

ld the grass"

s with her two hand so she w

draw out a pistol from her beh

Elena asked forgetting

he two men peeped down she shot

grass Elena he

to know she couldn't be so fast

s Elena went off she quickly used her fang to grab her wrist, thereby t

out a scream as a

everything, the bite that chan

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