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BLS #1: Red String of Fate

BLS #1: Red String of Fate


Chapter 1 Clumsy Sophia

Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 19/06/2021

a Cel

wanting to wake up now. I’m extremely tired beca

mom walked

d lazily, not caring ab

New York today!’ She said as she tried to take

id and I groaned. I threw my pillow away and sat up on my bed.

.” I said closi

ur dad today.” She said as s

o New York instead. I’m tired.” I stood up lazi


She pushed me to the bathroom and I sighed. I stripped myself then j

my black skinny jeans, maroon crop top and a baggy flannel. I quickly to my make-up and

ve an extra packed luggage incase of emergency. I wa

ng for you outside.” She said as she cut

ask Col


ork and don’t wh

days and I need a vacation.” I said to

Sophia. Now, you need to go to th



from the house. I gave the luggage to Pet

eck my notifications. I checked the time and it’s 8.10 a.

I pulled the luggage from the back of the car by myself and rushed inside. I ran

coffee.. I really need coffee since I’m so sleepy. I found the Starbuck

an I he

please.” I said



r na

rocessed the order and gave me a wink. I just lo

t. I looked at the time to see I have 15 minutes left before boarding time en

nd my panda eyes was so visible. I cupped my face and sighed.


d my red ring inside the bag and found nothing. I knew I was wearing it.

here right? I looked at the floor intensely and scanned every path that I

I got one in red ruby. Please don’t be lost. Someone mig

s walking while looking down to find my ring. My Americano spilled to his suit and my eyes widen

quickly took out a pack of tissues from my bag and patted it to his w

y!” I sai

ime!” He bursted in a cold ton a

either.” I snapped him. How dare he say that to me? He w

bluntly and walked pass him. He suddenly held my arm and I t

our name?

ly and pulled my arm from his grip. I walked way a

Where a

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