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BLSC #3: Capturing Locason

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 17/07/2021

ey L

l place" Chris announc


at home" Axel and his clumsy

ogether" I pointe

t.. you go

you Cailey" Axel winked at me and

u w

ou guys goin

thew asked and my eyes widen


ave to get squi

t going

t bad huh?" Zac asked an

you rea

that mean"

in us too" Chris said , suddenly my phone rings. I too

t" Chris said an

planning this time?" Ar


id , before I can say anything Chris

eg Bolton

h.. She dating Zac Malvon now" My eyes widen , I smacke

eautiful" I turned my head to


is here , bye Bolton" Chris ended the


ked and I immediately

freaking threw m

Matthew , I punched Chris's arm and he groane

t back" I s

y sweet girl in a blink" Zac

e it

with me?" He asked caus


e d


his back" He showed

of you" I smack

than Greg" I can't belie

e no difference"

me Cailey" Zac

give me a speech about 'you don't kno

my phone away but Zac react so fast causing me to lose my balance and ended

one from his hand but

suggested you don't go for this girl because she will make you crazy until y

Zac smirked and I l

y. Please bring Zac too" I tried to g

o anywhere n

and punch you Zac" I

or avoiding me" He said softl

now let me go. I can be nice with you if

e chal

t like a guy like yo

You can't judge me that fast , we just me

it's just.."

h me.. O

t like you said.. We just met th

too fast" He

y?" I said , Okay I don't know why I

ep you" He smirked and I hissed. He le

I asked , he stood up too. We walked out from th


g to come her

you ev

exted me earl

re in 15 min

bucks?" Lauren and h



ned this ti

you mean?" She

t starbucks?" Zac opened the door for me and I got in

or the Lemie

arbucks" She sighed and ended

the seatbelt on?"

my safety

I wanted to p

s you to put on my seatbelts on so keep drea

so damn cute" He must

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