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BLSC #7: A Night To Remember

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1046    |    Released on: 18/07/2021

r Por

turned to Christian and he stopp



ollowing you?"

to see his car was just 3 cars beside me. I sighed and c

want to be in one place with him. I avoided him for

aid without daring to look at him. I walked to my car and opened i

tch and it's 9 p.m. I haven't eaten anything to

I stomped my foot secretly. Go

ended to be bu

n called again an

d but not daring to

umsy. I hit my head and hissed. I continued to walk to the build

u scared me!"

drop y

in one car with a stranger" S

we were a baby Taylor" He stated the

h ri

together 2 years ago?" I wanted to kil

w can we sleep together?" I said try

u want me to drop you home? We're friends righ

somewhere else

here" He said an

hy did I come out with that?

nd?" My eyes widen

say that? T

e I doubt you have one" He smirked and p

had a lot of stress today. Can

drop you home so

winning the argument. He unlocked the car and I followed hi

wasn't eating or drinking at that time

" I asked looking o

course" H

ward.. a

I blamed it for crying out when I'm with Christi


" L

? In n out?" He asked n


and turned his car to in n

" I hissed and he t

I put my bag inside his car and got out too. We wal

1" I said and

" He asked

't eat a lot of food" I sipped

" I choked on my drink big time hearing

lared at him and called him stalker instead. I kept

He asked when we got into our table. He sa

e fine"

Chris asked loo

lot lately" I said not

er right?" He as

d to

sked because I just turned myself

utiful" I choked again

we never be friends since we're kids" I said truthfully and that's right. We ne

ed one night before" I l

want me to take you to a therapist

r way? You had amnesia about our

g weird" I said trying

ark on your left waist" I looked at him i

delusional. Are you sic

ou said my full name. Just like you al

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